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Travel Forms

AOE International Pre-Travel Approval. (Link to Google Forms)

AOE Travel Reimbursement Form. (Link to Google Forms)

University Policy on Travel and Meal Reimbursements

Non-Travel Reimbursements

Reimbursement Request Form (Link to Google Forms)

Employment Forms

Wage Position Request Google Form. (Link to Google Forms)

GRA Funding Form (Link to Google Forms)

Purchase Order Requests

To submit a purchase request please complete the online request form. Purchase questions can be directed to (Link to Google Forms)

Swipe Access Request

*It’s important to note that all students must obtain faculty approval and complete all applicable safety trainings for research labs PRIOR to requesting and obtaining swipe access.* (Link to Google Form)

AOE Machine Shop Work Order Requests

  1. Faculty/Staff/Students will need to discuss potential job with AOE Machine Shop. After consultation, one of the AOE Machine Shop members will be responsible for providing an emailed quote for job.
  2. If the responsible Faculty/Staff member would like to proceed with quoted job; they will be required to submit the job into the AOE Machine Shop Work Order Form by attaching emailed quote (in PDF format) and providing additional information on the job: AOE Machine Shop Work Order Request