Faculty honored with the 2023 Dean's Awards for Excellence

Congratulations to the faculty of Virginia Tech Engineering being honored with a 2023 Dean’s Award for Excellence.
Virginia Tech is celebrated in the commonwealth and throughout the nation for the excellence of our programs in engineering education, research, and public service. The Dean's Awards for Excellence recognize our faculty members' incredible work, which has directly or indirectly impacted the success of our students.
Among this year’s complete class of award winners were multiple faculty hailing from the Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, recognized by Dean Julia Ross in early May.

Excellence in Teaching: Todd Lowe
Examples of activities that may be recognized with the Excellence in Teaching Award include: classroom teaching improvements, new course development, curricular reform, distance learning and web-based courses, guidance of student projects, or a stellar record in graduate student supervision.

Excellence in Service: Robert Canfield
Examples of activities that may be recognized for Excellence in Service: outreach and economic development; professional service such as editorial work, professional society work, or conference organization; advising student organizations; administrative work within a department or the college beyond the call of duty.

Outstanding New Assistant Professor: Yao (Yolanda) Fu
This award is presented to recently hired tenure-track faculty who have performed exceptionally well in scholarship, research, and teaching.

Certificate of Teaching Excellence: Scott England
The Certificates of Teaching Excellence are awarded annually by the university to 21 faculty members, selected by the individual colleges, proportionate to the number of instructional faculty positions allotted to each college. Teaching excellence is recognized through evidence of effective student learning, exemplary curriculum design, professional development, and impact beyond Virginia Tech.