• Dr. Richard Wahls
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • Holden Auditorium (Room 112)
  • 4:00 p.m.
  • Faculty Hosts: Dr. Rakesh Kapania and Dr. Joseph Schetz

NASA Aeronautics is addressing the challenge of enabling the sustained growth of the air transportation system through the research and development of systems and technologies for future aircraft and airspace operations. Current research programs are addressing energy and environmental issues, as well as expanded mobility/capacity options and enhanced aviation safety. This presentation highlights select subsonic transport aircraft concepts and enabling technologies that address solutions for the revolutionary energy efficiency and dramatic reductions in harmful emissions and perceived community noise that will be required in the coming decades.


Dr. Wahls is the senior technical and strategy advisor to the Director of NASA Aeronautics’ Advanced Air Vehicles Program. He leads, manages, and technically contributes to multidisciplinary fundamental research advancing the energy efficiency and environmental compatibility of advanced transport aircraft, and to applied research and development of tools, technologies, and concepts for all vehicle classes from subsonic through supersonic speeds.

Dr. Wahls has experience in computational and experimental aerodynamics, and is the author or co-author of 73 technical publications. His personal research has emphasized high Reynolds number aerodynamics and scale effects utilizing the unique capabilities of the US National Transonic Facility, and the study of innovative aerodynamic technologies and aircraft configurations.

Dr. Wahls is a Fellow of the America Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where he is currently a Deputy Director of the Aircraft & Atmospheric Systems Group, a member of the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee and Green Engineering Program Committee, and a charter member of the AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop Organizing Committee. Dr. Wahls received his B.S. (1984), M.S. (1986), and Ph.D. (1989) degrees from North Carolina State University in aerospace engineering.