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September 18, 2019: Some Observations on Research & Careers: Industry, University, and Government

  • September 18, 2019
  • 4:00 p.m.
  • 310 Kelly Hall
  • Dr. Ronald D. Joslin, National Science Foundation
  • Faculty Host: Dr. William Devenport


Abstract: So now that you have conducted some research, passed some courses, and penned a thesis, the university confers your M.S. or Ph.D. degree. Congratulations! But now what career path will you follow?

Your science or engineering career can evolve along different paths depending on your career goals. You may become a faculty member at a university, a research engineer at a company, or a research scientist at a government laboratory. The presentation will provide an overview of the National Science Foundation to highlight how one government agency operates. My perspectives and an open discussion will then focus on industry, university, and government career paths.

Biography: Dr. Joslin has been the Program Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Fluid Dynamics Program since 2016. He supports research in biofluids, micro-scale flows, transition & turbulence, non-Newtonian flows, geophysical fluids, and renewable energy. Teaming with AFOSR, he supports research in hypersonics, and working with NASA, he supports research on the International Space Station. He is an engineering representative on cross-foundational teams to support research in Artificial Intelligence (AI), machining learning (ML), advanced algorithms, and advanced measurement techniques.

Prior to NSF, Dr. Joslin was a Program Officer at the Office of Naval Research for 15 years where he managed Turbulence, Stratified Wakes, Submarine Maneuvering, Ocean Energy, Multi-Platform Interactions and Supercavitation Programs. He also led active and laminar flow control teams and conducted research at NASA Langley for 10 years.

He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and a Fellow of the ASME.

Throughout his career, he has mentored students, faculty, and peers and has volunteered to visit us today to talk about NSF and about careers.