February 21, 2022 "Increasingly Autonomous Perception and Decision Systems for Advanced Air Mobility"
- 4:00 p.m.
- 100 Hancock Hall
- Dr. Ella Atkins, University of Michigan
- Faculty Host: Craig Woolsey
Abstract: Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) including passenger transport and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) requires autonomy capable of safely managing contingency responses as well as routine flight. This talk will describe pathways from aviation today to a fully autonomous AAM of the future. Research toward comprehensive environment mapping and urgent landing planning will be summarized. Dynamic airspace geofencing in support of UAS Traffic Management (UTM) will be defined and compared with traditional fixed airspace corridor solutions. Ongoing research efforts target effective collaboration with human AAM participants, maximizing opportunities to plan and learn off-line, and supporting certification/licensing of what must be learned on-line.