Cornel Sultan
- Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, Purdue University
- M.S. Applied Mathematics, Purdue University
- B.S./M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic University, Romania

Aerospace & Ocean Engineering (MC0203)
Virginia Tech Swing Space, Room 203
1600 Innovation Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Virginia Tech Swing Space, Room 203
1600 Innovation Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
- AOE 6204 Advanced Vehicle Dynamics and Control
- AOE/ME/ECE 5744 Nonlinear Systems
- AOE 5204 Vehicle Dynamics and Control
- AOE 4140 Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control
- AOE 3144 Space Vehicle Dynamics
- AOE 3134 Stability and Control
- Dynamics
- Control
- Structures
- Technical Area Chair for AIAA GNC Conference on Conference Aerospace Robotics and Unmanned/Autonomous Systems, Scitech 2016
- Technical Area Chair for AIAA GNC Conference on Control Theory, Analysis, and Design, Scitech 2015
- AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee Member
- 2017: AIAA Associate Fellow
- 2016: Fellow Virginia Tech College of Engineering
- 2007 - present Assistant / Associate / Full Professor, Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech
- 2004 - 2007 Staff Engineer, United Technologies Research Center, Hartford, CT
- 2001 - 2004 Research Engineer (Consultant/Full Time), SSCI, Woburn, MA
- 2001 - 2003 Research Fellow, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA
- 1999 - 2001 Research Engineer, Tensegra Inc. (start-up), Boston, MA