Seongim Choi
Adjunct Faculty
- Ph. D., 2006, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
- M. S., 1999, Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University
- B. S., 1997, Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University

- Computational design optimization
- Advanced numerical methods in CFD
- Multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization (MADO)
- Young Investigator Award: 1st Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum & Exhibition, Feb. 2012
- Best Paper Award: 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Sep. 2004.
- One of the Best Papers in Applied Aerodynamics, 45th AIAA/ASME Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibition, Jan. 2004
- Ambassadorial Scholarship from Rotary Foundation (2000-2001)
- 2013 ~ present: Virginia Tech, Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
- 2013 ~ present: KAIST, Adjunct Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Trasportation
- 2010 ~ 2013: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
- 2009 ~ 2010: NASA Ames Research Center-UARC, Associate Research Scientist
- 2006 ~ 2009: U.S. Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AFDD), off-campus research associate of Stanford
- 2000 ~ 2006: Stanford University, Research Assistant, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics