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Clyde F. Simmerman, Jr.

AOE Advisory Board
  • B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Virginia Tech
Clyde F. Simmerman, Jr.

Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Air Vehicle Department Technical Director, Senior Scientist, Technical Manager (SSTM) position, 2012 - present

Focal Point for acquisition, certification, fielding and service issues, for all Naval and Marine  Corps (USMC) Aviation platforms in the disciplines of Aeromechanics, Structures, Mechanical Systems, and Materials and Processing.   Technical lead for the department engineering staff of 450+ engineers across multiple disciplines.

Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Air Vehicle Department, Structures Division, Rotary Wing Team Lead for Strength and Fatigue of Helicopters, 2003 - 2012 

Responsible for all aspects of structural integrity and life cycle support for all Navy and USMC Rotary Wing vehicles and technical policy associated with same.

Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Aerospace Engineer for Patrol/Support/Rotary Wing Strength Branch, 1996-2003

Flight Clearance Performance Monitor (Flight clearance Technical Signature Authority) for H-53 and H-46 Aircraft.   Responsible for safe flight assurance and certification of new and legacy systems related to H-53 and H-46 aircraft. 

Aerospace Engineer.  Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, 1988-1996

Structural Analyst for modifications to a variety of Naval Aviation and USMC platforms including H-53, H-46, H-60, V-22, S-3, P-3, C-130, etc., aircraft.

  • Selected as NAVAIR Associate Fellow in Helicopter Strength and fatigue, 2007    
  • Selected as NAVAIR Fellow in High-Cycle Fatigue, September 2017
  • Past Head of American Helicopter Society (now Vertical Flight Society)  Structures and Materials  Committee
  • Member, Virginia Tech Academy of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Excellence, 2021