Jeff McConnell, 2022

Jeffrey McConnell was born and raised on a small family farm in Western Virginia. He gradauated from Emory & Henry College in 1986 with a Bachelors in Physics. McConnell was employed in the private sector for over 32 years in positions ranging from production, CAD, design, project management, and Engineering support before changing careers into the world of Information Technology in 2004. He received a MSCE certification in 2004. Since changing careers, he has held positions in IT Support as well Network Administrator and Systems Administrator for different private sector companies.
McConnell joined the Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering as a Senior IT Support Specialist in 2019, providing IT support for the faculty, staff, and students throughout the academic year and summer. He will continue to provide the best support for one of the best departments at Virginia Tech.