- Pisharoti. N., Webster. J., and Brizzolara. S (2022) Reynolds Stress Turbulence Modeling with γ Transition Model. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 36:1, 21-43, DOI: 10.1080/10618562.2022.2070614
- Miller L., Brizzolara S. (2021) Increase in Stability of an X-Configured AUV through Hydrodynamic Design Iterations with the Definition of a New Stability Index to Include Effect of Gravity. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, no. 9: 942.
- Husser N., Brizzolara S. (2021) Nonlinear System Identification for the Prediction of Unsteady Vertical Plane Hydrodynamic Forces on a Planing Hull, Applied Ocean Research, 112, 2021, 102572. ISSN 0141-1187,
- Jung S.J., Brizzolara S., Woolsey C.A. (2021) An Approach for Computing Parameters for a Lagrangian Nonlinear Maneuvering and Seakeeping Model of Submerged Vessel Motion. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, doi: 10.1109/JOE.2021.3052657
- Jung S., Brizzolara S., Woolsey C.A. (2021) Parameter Computation for a Lagrangian Mechanical System Model of a Submerged Vessel Moving Near a Free Surface. Ocean Engineering, 230,2021, ISSN 0029-8018,
- Njaka T., Brizzolara S., Ben Tzvi P. (2020) Design and Experimental Validation of a Novel High-Speed Omnidirectional Underwater Propulsion Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, available online: doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3037887.
- Afonja A.J., Brizzolara S. (2020) Dynamic Response of a Wave Energy Converter with Resonant U-Tank, 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2020 (virtual).
- Husser N., Brizzolara S. (2020) An Uncertainty Evaluation of Different Fidelity Methods to Predict Ship Motions and Structural Loading in Waves, 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2020 (virtual).
- Lambert W., Brizzolara S. (2020) On the Effect Of Non-Linear Boundary Conditions on the Wave Disturbance and Hydrodynamic Forces of Underwater Vehicles Travelling Near the Free-Surface. 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE-2020 (virtual).
- Njaka T, Miller L., Brizzolara S., Stilwell D. (2020) Method for Improving Existing Maneuvering Models to Accommodate Large Drift Angles. Global OCEANS 2020 Conference (virtual).
- Husser N., Brizzolara S. (2020) An Investigation of Residual Hydroelastic Response of a 3D Printed Propeller at low Reynolds number, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Maritime Convention 2020 (virtual).
- Lambert W., Brizzolara S. (2020) Wave Resistance Reduction for Ships Traveling in Fleet Formation, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Maritime Convention 2020 (virtual).
- Njaka T., Brizzolara S., Stilwell D. (2019) CFD Investigation of Hull-Rudder Interaction For Improved Maneuvering Models, to appear on SNAME Transactions 2019.
- Miller L., Brizzolara S. (2019) Optimum Propeller Positioning and Sizing for Underwater Vehicles, to appear on SNAME Transactions 2019.
- Pawar, S., Brizzolara, S. (2019) Relevance of Transition Turbulent Model for Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Low Reynolds Number Propellers. Applied Ocean Research 87: 165–178.
- Angelini Rota R.,R., Vernengo, G., Brizzolara, S., Guercio, R. (2019). SPH simulation of periodic wave breaking in the surf zone - A detailed fluid dynamic validation. Ocean Engineering 176: 20–30.
- Xu L., Baglietto E., Brizzolara S. (2018). Extending the Applicability of RANS Turbulence Closures to the Simulation of Transitional Flow around Hydrofoils at Low Reynolds Number. Ocean Engineering 164 (2018) 1–12.
- Águila Ferrandis J., Brizzolara S., Chryssostomidis C. (2018). Influence of large hull deformations on the motion response of a fast catamaran craft with varying stiffness. Ocean Engineering 163 (2018) 207–222.
Seixas de Medeiros J., Brizzolara S. (2018). Mathematical Framework for Hydromechanical Time-Domain Simulation of Wave Energy Converters.J. of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 1710253, 15 pages,
- Bonfiglio L., Perdikaris P., Brizzolara S., Karniadakis G.E. (2018). Multi-fidelity optimization of super-cavitating hydrofoils. Computational Methods in Applied Mechanical Engrg. Vol. 332 (2018) 63–85.
- Angelini Rota R.,R., Vernengo, G., Altomare, C., Brizzolara, S., Bonfiglio, L., Guercio, R., (2018). Ensuring numerical stability of wave propagation by tuning model parameters using genetic algorithms and response surface methods. Environmental Modelling & Software, 103 (2018) 62-73
- Bonfiglio L., Brizzolara S. (2018). Amplitude Induced Nonlinearity in Piston Mode Resonant Flow: A Fully Viscous Numerical Analysis. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(1), 11 pp. doi:10.1115/1.4037487
- Brizzolara S., Brizzolara E.B. (2017). Long Tunnel Configurations for High Efficiency Thrusters. Fifth Int. Symposium on Marine Propulsors, smp’17. Vol. 3: 778-785. ISBN:978-951-38-8608-0.
- Brizzolara S. (2017). SCPH2: A New Technology for Lower Resistance Deep-V Planing Hulls. Design and Construction of Super & Mega Yachts, Royal Institution of Naval Architects (ed.), 10-11 May 2017, Genoa, Italy.
- Vernengo G., Bonfiglio L., Brizzolara S. (2017). Super-Cavitating 3D Hydrofoil Analysis by Viscous Lifting Line Approach. AIAA Journal, 55(12), Dec. 2017, doi: 10.2514/1.J055504
- Bonfiglio L., Brizzolara S. (2017). Amplitude Induced Nonlinearity in Piston Mode Resonant Flow: A Fully Viscous Numerical Analysis. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 2017;140(1):1-11. doi:10.1115/1.4037487.
- Vernengo G., Brizzolara S. (2017). Numerical investigation on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Fast SWATHs with Optimum Canted Struts Arrangements. Journal of Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 63: 76–89.
- Royset J, Bonfiglio L, Vernengo G, Brizzolara S. (2017). Risk-Adaptive Set-Based Design and Applications to Shaping a Hydrofoil. ASME J. Mechanical Design 139(10):101403-101403-8. doi:10.1115/1.4037623.
- Brizzolara S., Brizzolara R. (2016) Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering. Volume 2: Autonomous Systems. Chapter 3. Surface Vessels. Dhanak, M. R., Xiros, N. I. (Eds.), Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16649-0. ISBN: 978-3-319-16648-3.
- Vernengo G., Bonfiglio L., Gaggero S., Brizzolara S. (2016). Physics-Based Design by Optimization of Unconventional Supercavitating Hydrofoils. Journal of Ship Research, 60(4):1–16.
- Brizzolara S., Judge C., Beaver W. (2016). High Deadrise Stepped Cambered Planing Hulls with Hydrofoils: SCPH2. A Proof of Concept. SNAME Transactions, Volume 124, 2016, pp.312-321. ISSN 0081-1661.
- Brizzolara S. Vernengo G. (2016). A Three-Dimensional Vortex Method for the Hydrodynamic Solution of Planing Cambered Dihedral Surfaces. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 63, Feb. 2016, pp. 15-29. DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2015.10.008
- White J.K., Brizzolara S., Beaver B. (2015). Effect of Inverted Bow on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Navy Combatant Hull Forms. SNAME Transactions, Volume 123, pages 2-16, ISBN 978-0-939773-17-6.
- Brizzolara S., Vernengo G., Bonfiglio L., Bruzzone D. (2015) Comparative Performance of Optimum High Speed SWATH and Semi-SWATH in Calm Water and in Waves. SNAME Transactions, Volume 123, pages 273-286, ISBN 978-0-939773-17-6.
- Brizzolara S. (2015). A New Family of Dual-Mode Super-Cavitating Hydrofoils. Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, smp’15, Austin, Texas, USA.
- Brizzolara S., Bonfiglio L. (2015). Comparative CFD Investigation of the Performance of a New Family of Super-Cavitating Hydrofoils. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), Volume 656, Number 1, 2015, pp. 12147-12150. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/656/1/012147.
- Vernengo G., Brizzolara S., Bruzzone D. (2015). Resistance and seakeeping optimization of a Fast Multi-Hull Passenger Ferry. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 26–34. ISSN 1053-5381.
- Bonfiglio L., Brizzolara S. (2014). Unsteady viscous flow with non-linear free surface around oscillating SWATH ship sections. WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 9, 2004, pp. 49-57. E-ISSN: 2224-347X.
- Brizzolara S., Bonfiglio L., Seixas de Medeiros J. (2013). Influence of viscous effects on numerical prediction of motions of SWATH vessels in waves. Ocean Systems Engineering Int. Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2013) 219-236. ISSN: 2093-6702
- Brizzolara S., Grassi D., Tincani E.P. (2012). Design Method for Contra-Rotating Propellers for High-Speed Crafts: Revising the Original Lerbs Theory in a Modern Perspective. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Volume 2012, Article ID 408135, 18 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/408135.
- Bertetta D., Brizzolara S., Gaggero S., Viviani M., Savio L. (2012). CPP propeller cavitation and noise optimization at different pitches with panel code and validation by cavitation tunnel measurements. Ocean Engineering, Volume 53, 15, pp:177-195, ISSN 0029-8018.
- Villa D., Gaggero S., Brizzolara S. (2012). Ship Self Propulsion with Different CFD Methods: from Actuator Disk to Viscous-Inviscid Unsteady Coupled Solvers. 10th International Conference on Hydrodynamics ICHD’12, October 1-4, 2012 St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Brizzolara S., Young Y.L. (2012). Physical and Theoretical Modeling of Surface-Piercing Hydrofoils for a High-Speed Unmanned Surface Vessel. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. OMAE2012. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 10-15, 2012
- Gaggero S, Villa D, Brizzolara S. (2011). SMP Workshop on Cavitation and Propeller Performances: The Experience of the University of Genoa on the Potsdam Propeller Test Case. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Cavitation and Propeller Performance. Second International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - smp’11. Hamburg, 17 June 2011, vol. 1, p. 92-105, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-86342-238-7
- Gaggero S., Villa D., Brizzolara S. (2010). RANS and PANEL method for unsteady flow propeller analysis. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, Volume 22, Issue 5, Supplement 1, October 2010, Pages 564-569.
- Grassi D, Brizzolara S., Viviani M, Savio L, Caviglia S (2010). Design and Analysis of Counter-Rotating Propellers. Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results. Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. 22-5; p. 570-576, ISSN: 1001-6058, doi: 10.1016/S1001-6058(09)60254-7
- Brizzolara S., Federici A (2010). CFD Modeling of Planning Hulls with Partially Ventilated Bottom. In: The William Froude Conference: Advances in Theoretical and Applied Hydrodynamics – Past and Future. Portsmouth, 24-25 Nov. 2010, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, vol. 1, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-905040-77-3.
- Brizzolara S., Gaggero S, Grassi D, Villa D (2009). CFD Modeling for Powering and Propulsion of Motor Yachts. Recent Developments and Applications of the Marine CFD Group. In: Design, Construction and Operation of Super and Mega Yachts. Genoa (IT), April 2009, London: RINA, vol. 1, p. 21-34, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-905040-56-8.
- Brizzolara S., Gaggero S, Grasso A (2009). Parametric Optimization of Open and Ducted Propellers. In: Proceedings of Propeller/Shafting 2009 Symposium. Williamsburg (VA), Sept. 2009, Jersey City: SNAME, vol. 1, p. 2-1-2-14
- Villa D, Brizzolara S. (2009). A Systematic Analysis of Flaps/Interceptors Hydrodynamic Performance. In: 10th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST2009. Athens (GR), Oct. 2009, Univ. of Athens, vol. 1, ISBN/ISSN: 9789602546864
- Gaggero S, Brizzolara S. (2008). A Potential Panel Method for the Prediction of Midchord Face and Back Cavitation. In: 6th International Conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles. Napoli, Sept. 2008, vol. 1, p. 33-46, ISBN/ISSN: 88-901174-9-4.
- Brizzolara S., Villa D, Gaggero S (2008). A Systematic Comparison between RANSE and Panel Method for Propeller Analysis. In: Hydrodynamics VIII, 8th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, ICHD 2008. Nantes, Oct. 2008, vol. 1, p. 289-302
- Brizzolara S., Bruzzone D (2007). Hydrodynamic Assessment and Optimization of New Fast Foil Assisted SWAMH. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Strutures, PRADS 2007. Houston, Oct 2007, vol. 1, p. 205-211, ISBN/ISSN: 0-943870-04-6
- Brizzolara S., Serra F (2007). Accuracy of CFD Codes in the Prediction of Planning Surfaces Hydrodynamic Characteristics. In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Research and Transportation, ICMRT'07. Ischia (Italy), 28-30 June, Univ. Napoli Federico II, ed., vol. 1, p. A-1-A-12, ISBN/ISSN: 88-901174-3-5
- Gaggero S, Brizzolara S. (2007). Exact Modeling of Trailing Vorticity in Panel Method for Marine Propeller. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Marine Research and Transportation. Ischia, 28-30 June, Univ. Federico II, ed., p. D-1-D-9, ISBN/ISSN: 88-901174-3-5
- Brizzolara S. (2006). Maneuvering Simulation of Ships with Azimuthal Propulsion Units. In: NAV 2006 - International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research. Genoa, 21-23 June 2006, vol. 1, p. 1.3.1-1.3.20, ISBN/ISSN: 88-900487-2-7
- Molini, Brizzolara S. (2005). Hydrodynamics of Interceptors: A Fundamental Study. In: International Conference on Maritime Research and Transportation, ICMRT 2005. Ischia (Italy), 2005, Univ. Federico II ed., vol. 1, ISBN/ISSN: 88-901174-5-1
- Brizzolara S., Bruzzone D., Tincani E. (2005). Automatic Optimisation of a Trimaran Hull Form Configuration. In: 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2005. St. Petersburg, June 2005, Marine Technical University ed., vol. 1, ISBN/ISSN: 5-88303-045-9
- Brizzolara S. (2004). Parametric Optimization of SWAT-Hull Forms by a Viscous-Inviscid Free Surface Method Driven by a Differential Evolution Algorithm. In: 25th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Saint John's (CA), August 2004, National Academies Press, vol. 5, p. 1-18.
- Brizzolara S., D. Bruzzone (2004). Automatic Optimisation of a New Fast Catamaran with Bulbous Bow. In: HIPER’04 International Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehicles, vol. 1, p. 116-128, ISBN/ISSN: 88-7617-001-4
- Brizzolara S. (2003). Hydrodynamic Analysis of Interceptors with CFD Methods. In: FAST 2003, 7th Int. Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, vol. 3, p. E.49-E.56, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 88-901174-0-0
- Brizzolara S., D. Bruzzone (2003). Near and Distant Waves of Fast Ships in Limited and Unlimited Bottom Depths. In: FAST 2003, 7th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, vol. 3, p. H1-H13, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 88-901174-0-0
- Brizzolara S., S. Chislett, L. Grossi (1998). Course Keeping Aspects in the Design of Fast Deep-V Monohull. In: High Speed Crafts Motions and Maneuverability RINA Conference, vol. 1, ISBN 9780903055376.
- Svensson R., Brizzolara S., L. Grossi, (1998). Trial Result Including Wake Measurements from the World’s Largest Waterjet Installation. International Conference on Waterjet Propulsion Latest Developments. Amsterdam (NL). Editor: Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK.
- Brizzolara S., D. Bruzzone, P. Cassella, A. Scamardella, I. Zotti (1998). Wave Resistance and Wave Patterns for High Speed Crafts. Validation of Numerical Results by Model Tests. In: 22nd Naval Hydrodynamics Symposium , Washington DC. USA. National Academy Press. vol. 1, pp.69-83.
- Kapsemberg G., Brizzolara S. (1999). Hydro-Elastic Effects of Bow Flare Slamming on a Fast Monohull. In: International Fast Ship Conference FAST ’99, vol. 1
- Brizzolara S., L. Grossi (1997). Design Aspects and Applications of Deep-V Hull Forms to High Speed Crafts. in: IMDEX ’97 International Maritime Defense Conference, vol. 1