William Devenport Personal Page
Experimental Aeroacoustics and Aerodynamics
Prof. Devenport serves as Director of the Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel and Director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Aero/hydrodynamic Technology. His research is in the field of experimental aeroacoustics and aerodynamics, with contributions in areas such as roughness noise and control, turbulence ingestion noise, rotor aeroacoustics, leading and trailing edge noise and control, tip vortex and tip leakage vortex wakes and high Reynolds number rough wall boundary layers. With Ricardo Burdisso he led the development of the hybrid aeroacoustic wind tunnel, an innovation that has been adopted at facilities in the US, Europe, Japan, China, and Australia. He leads and active and diverse research group (PhD students, research faculty and undergraduates) including both government and industrially funded programs. His over 200 publications include articles in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, AIAA Journal, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, Proceedings of the Royal Society as well as a textbook on aeroacoustics co-authored with Stewart Glegg. He is recipient of the 2019 AIAA Aeroacoustics Award and is Chair (with Prof. Holger Babinsky of Cambridge University) of the NATO AVT-349 working group on Non-Equilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers and Chair (with Prof. Louis Cattafesta of Florida State University) of the AIAA Hybrid Anechoic Wind Tunnel Workshop.