A complete list of publications is available here.
Manuscripts under review or in revision:
- Weindorf BJ et al. "Fragment tracking for microparticle breakage resulting from high-speed impacts," accepted to Powder Technology.
- Warner EP, Byun G, Lowe KT "Empirical Evidence for Rayleigh Scattering Model Errors," in revision for Applied Optics.
- Warner EP and Lowe KT "Importance of Depolarized Scattering Contributions in Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Measurement Models" in revision for Measurement Science & Technology.
Recent peer-reviewed journal articles published or in press:
Note: * Indicates advisee.
68. Weindorf BJ*, Ehlers A, Lowe KT, Ng WF, Caddick M, Loebig J, Morrison M* 2025 "Direct and Refined Characterization of Rebound for Irregularly Shaped, High-Speed Particles Incident on Aerospace Grade Titanium," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 147(6): 061013,
67. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J, Hefner C, Lowe KT and Untaroiu A 2025 “Wake Dynamics of Complex Turning Vanes Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, 147(1),
66. Lowe T, Smits AJ, Visonneau M, Deng G, Ding L, Guilmineau E, Sandberg R, Haghiri A, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel J*, Lavoie P, MacGregor D, Savio L, Jenssen YL, Roy CJ, Williams O, Toxopeus S and Devenport WJ 2024 “Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high Reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality,” Journal of Turbulence, pp.1-13,
65. Knopp T, Eça L, Toxopeus SL, Fritsch D, Gargiulo A*, Lowe KT, Roy CJ, Deng G, Visonneau M and Guilmineau E 2024 “Errors and uncertainties in CFD validation for non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layer flows at high Reynolds numbers,” Journal of Turbulence, p.2360195,
64. Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2024 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 146(1),
63. Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2024 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146, pp.031010-1,
62. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT, 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(4),
61. Fritsch DJ, Vishwanathan V*, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2023 “Modeling the Surface Pressure Spectrum on Rough Walls in Pressure Gradients,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 145(12),
Recent book chapters:
Cutler AD and Lowe KT 2023 “Laser Rayleigh Scattering, Filtered Rayleigh Scattering, and Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering,” in Optical Diagnostics for Reacting and Non-Reacting Flows: Theory and Practice, eds. Adam Steinberg and Sukesh Roy, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, pp. 75-136,
Recent papers in conference proceedings:
Note: * Indicates advisee.
126. Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2023 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A010.
125. Vlach T, Olshefski KT*, Bunin DJ, Ehlers AM, Caddick MJ, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2023 “Analysis of C-Spec Particle Breakage in a Turbine Engine Particle Ingestion Test Cell,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A002.
124. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air.
123. Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2023 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 86977, p. V004T05A012.