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A complete list of publications is available here.

Manuscripts under review or in revision:

  1. Weindorf BJ et al. "Fragment tracking for microparticle breakage resulting from high-speed impacts," accepted to Powder Technology.
  2. Warner EP, Byun G, Lowe KT "Empirical Evidence for Rayleigh Scattering Model Errors," in revision for Applied Optics.
  3. Warner EP and Lowe KT "Importance of Depolarized Scattering Contributions in Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Measurement Models" in revision for Measurement Science & Technology.

Recent peer-reviewed journal articles published or in press:

Note: * Indicates advisee.

68. Weindorf BJ*, Ehlers A, Lowe KT, Ng WF, Caddick M, Loebig J, Morrison M* 2025 "Direct and Refined Characterization of Rebound for Irregularly Shaped, High-Speed Particles Incident on Aerospace Grade Titanium," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 147(6): 061013,

67. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J, Hefner C, Lowe KT and Untaroiu A 2025 “Wake Dynamics of Complex Turning Vanes Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, 147(1),

66. Lowe T, Smits AJ, Visonneau M, Deng G, Ding L, Guilmineau E, Sandberg R, Haghiri A, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel J*, Lavoie P, MacGregor D, Savio L, Jenssen YL, Roy CJ, Williams O, Toxopeus S and Devenport WJ 2024 “Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high Reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality,” Journal of Turbulence, pp.1-13,

65. Knopp T, Eça L, Toxopeus SL, Fritsch D, Gargiulo A*, Lowe KT, Roy CJ, Deng G, Visonneau M and Guilmineau E 2024 “Errors and uncertainties in CFD validation for non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layer flows at high Reynolds numbers,” Journal of Turbulence, p.2360195,

64. Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2024 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 146(1),

63. Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2024 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146, pp.031010-1,

62. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT, 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(4),

61. Fritsch DJ, Vishwanathan V*, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2023 “Modeling the Surface Pressure Spectrum on Rough Walls in Pressure Gradients,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 145(12),


Recent book chapters:
Cutler AD and Lowe KT 2023 “Laser Rayleigh Scattering, Filtered Rayleigh Scattering, and Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering,” in Optical Diagnostics for Reacting and Non-Reacting Flows: Theory and Practice, eds. Adam Steinberg and Sukesh Roy, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, pp. 75-136,

Recent papers in conference proceedings:

Note: * Indicates advisee.

126. Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2023 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,”  ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A010.

125. Vlach T, Olshefski KT*, Bunin DJ, Ehlers AM, Caddick MJ, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2023 “Analysis of C-Spec Particle Breakage in a Turbine Engine Particle Ingestion Test Cell,”  ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A002.

124. Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air.

123. Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2023 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 86977, p. V004T05A012.

Highlighted publications (click image to access paper):