Complete List of Publications
Peer-reviewed journal articles published or in press:
Note: * Indicates advisee.
- Hayden AP*, Gillespie J, Hefner C, Lowe KT and Untaroiu A 2025 “Wake Dynamics of Complex Turning Vanes Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, 147(1),
- Lowe T, Smits AJ, Visonneau M, Deng G, Ding L, Guilmineau E, Sandberg R, Haghiri A, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel J*, Lavoie P, MacGregor D, Savio L, Jenssen YL, Roy CJ, Williams O, Toxopeus S and Devenport WJ 2024 “Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high Reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality,” Journal of Turbulence, pp.1-13,
- Knopp T, Eça L, Toxopeus SL, Fritsch D, Gargiulo A*, Lowe KT, Roy CJ, Deng G, Visonneau M and Guilmineau E 2024 “Errors and uncertainties in CFD validation for non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layer flows at high Reynolds numbers,” Journal of Turbulence, p.2360195,
- Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2024 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 146(1),
- Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2024 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146, pp.031010-1,
- Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT, 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(4),
- Fritsch DJ, Vishwanathan V*, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2023 “Modeling the Surface Pressure Spectrum on Rough Walls in Pressure Gradients,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 145(12),
- Acharya AS*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2023 "Mean Flow Characteristics Downstream of a Vortex Tube Separator Array," AIAA Journal, 61(11), 4990-5008,
- Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Borgoltz A, Devenport WJ, Roy CJ, and Lowe KT 2023 "Strategies for Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Experiments," ASME Journal of Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification, 8(3),
- Duetsch-Patel JE*, Gargiulo A*, Borgoltz A, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, and Lowe KT 2023 "Boundary Layer Flow Over a Bump and the Three-Dimensional Law of the Wall," Journal of Turbulence, 24(3-4), 2202404,
- Vishwanathan V*, Fritsch DJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2023 "History effects and wall-similarity of non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in varying pressure gradient over rough and smooth surfaces," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 102, 109145,
- Duetsch-Patel JE*, Gargiulo A*, Borgoltz A, Devenport WJ, and Lowe KT 2023 "Structural aspects of the attached turbulent boundary layer flow over a hill," Experiments in Fluids 64(2), 38,
- Moon CY*, Edwards C*, Byun GB, and Lowe KT 2022 "Particle characterization using optical measurements and neural networks," Measurement Science and Technology, 34(3),035202,
- Olshefski K, Collins A, Coulon T, Lowe KT, and Ng W 2022 "Development of an Anisokinetic Particle Sampling Probe for Use in a Gas Turbine Engine Compressor," Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering,
- Gillespie J*, Ng W, Lowe KT, Crook L, and Oechsle V 2023 "Acoustic thrust estimation on turbofan engines," AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 39, 1, 130-140,
- Fritsch DJ, Vishwanathan V*, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2022 "Turbulence and pressure fluctuations in rough wall boundary layers in pressure gradients," Experiments in Fluids, 63(9) 140,
- Fritsch DJ, Vishwanathan V*, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ 2022 "Fluctuating pressure beneath smooth wall boundary layers in non-equilibrium pressure gradients," AIAA Journal, 60(8), 4725-4743,
- Daniel KA*, Mayo Jr. DE*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2022 "The density near-field of a non-uniformly heated supersonic jet," Experiments in Fluids, 63, 67,
- Devenport WJ and Lowe KT 2022 "Equilibrium and non-Equilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers," Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 131, 100807,
- Acharya AS*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2022 "Fluorescent particle image velocimetry using atomized liquid particles," Meas. Sci. Technol., 33 065301,
- Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2021 "50 kHz Doppler global velocimetry for the study of large-scale turbulence in supersonic flows" Experiments in Fluids, 62, 192,
- Powers SW*, Schetz JA, Lowe KT, and Kapania RK 2021 "Analysis of Stresses in Metal Sheathed Thermocouples in High-Temperature Flows," AIAA Journal,
- Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2021 "Finite control volume and scalability effects in velocimetry for application to aeroacoustics," Experiments in Fluids 62:33,
- Readon JP*, Schetz JA, and Lowe KT 2021 “Computational Analysis of Unstart in a Variable-Geometry Inlet,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,
- Turner EJ, Bogdan MF, O’Connell TM, Ng WF, Lowe KT, Crook L, Stevenson R, and Roberts J 2021 "MEASUREMENT DRIFT IN 3-HOLE YAW PRESSURE PROBES FROM 5 MICRON SAND FOULING AT 1050° C," ASME J. of Turbomachinery,
- Moon CY*, Byun G, Panda A*, Smith CF, and Lowe KT 2020 "Non-intrusive optical measurements of gas turbine engine inlet condensation using machine learning," Measurement Science and Technology,
- Vincent T*, Schetz JA, and Lowe KT 2020 "Analysis of pin fins including radiation and transients," Computational Thermal Sciences,
- Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2020 "250 kHz three-component Doppler velocimetry at 32 simultaneous points: a new capability for high speed flows," Measurement Science and Technology, 31:9, 095302,
- Moon CY*, Gargiulo A*, Byun G, and Lowe KT 2020 "Non-spherical particle size estimation using supervised machine learning," Applied Optics, 59:1, 3237,
- Boyda M*, Byun G, Saltzman A*, and Lowe KT 2020 "Geometric scattering removal in cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry by structured illumination," Measurement Science and Technology, 31:6, 064004,
- Lowe KT, 2020 "Laser Velocimetry for Turbofan Inlet Distortion Applications," Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Technology for special issue on NATO Specialists' Meeting AVT-306, 92:1, 20-26.
- Otero Jr R*, Lowe KT, and Ng W, 2020 "In-flight thrust monitoring: an acoustics-based approach," Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Technology for special issue on NATO Specialists' Meeting AVT-306, 92:1, 15-19,
- Daniel K*, Mayo DE*, Lowe KT, and Wing WF 2019 "Use of Thermal Non-Uniformity to Reduce Supersonic Jet Noise," AIAA Journal (express article), 57:10, 4467-75, Pre-print:
- Zhang D, Cadel DR*, Paterson EG, and Lowe KT 2019 "Hybrid RANS/LES Turbulence Model Applied to a Transitional Unsteady Boundary Layer on Wind Turbine Airfoil," Fluids 4:3, 128,
- Otero Jr R*, Lowe KT, Ng WF, and Silas K* 2019 "Coupled Velocity and Temperature Acoustic Tomography in Heated High Subsonic Mach Number Flows" Measurement Science and Technology, 30, 105901, 17pp,
- Mayo DE*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF, 2019 "Mean Flow and Turbulence of a Heated Supersonic Jet with Temperature Non-Uniformity," AIAA Journal,
- Stuber M*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF, 2019 "Synthesis of Convection Velocity and Turbulence Measurements in Three-Stream Jets," Experiments in Fluids, 60:83,, View-only access: Pre-print available at
- Vincent T*, Rolfe E*, Lowe KT, and Schetz JA, 2019 "Aerodynamic Analysis of Total Temperature Probe Thermal Performance Using Conjugate Heat Transfer," AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 33:3, 830-43,
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT, and O'Brien WF, 2019 "Vortical Flow Development in Round Ducts Across Scales for Engine Inlet Applications," Experiments in Fluids, 60:52,, View-only access: Pre-print available at
- Boyda M*, Byun G, and Lowe KT 2019 "Investigation of Velocity and Temperature Measurement Sensitivities in Cross-correlation Filtered Rayleigh Scattering (CCFRS)," Measurement Science and Technology, 30, 044004, 15pp,
- Lowe KT, Silas K*, Boggs G*, Ng WF, 2019 "An experimental study on the coupling between adjacent Hartmann whistles," International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 18(2-3), 299-316,
- Cadel DR*, Zhang D, Lowe KT, and Paterson EG, 2018 "Unsteady boundary layer development on a wind turbine blade: an experimental study of a surrogate problem," Experiments in Fluids, 59:72, View-only access:
- Vincent T*, Lowe KT, and Schetz JA, 2018 “Enhanced low-order model with radiation for total temperature probe analysis and design,” SAE International Journal of Aerospace, 11:1, pp. 1-13,
- Frohnapfel D*, Lowe KT, and O'Brien WF, 2018 “Experimental quantification of fan rotor effects on inlet swirl using swirl distortion descriptors,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(8), 082603,
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT, and O'Brien WF, 2018 “Complex Flow Generation and Development in a Full-Scale Turbofan Inlet,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(8), 082606,
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT, and O'Brien WF, 2017 "The StreamVane turbofan inlet swirl distortion generator: mean flow and turbulence structure," AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(2), pp 340-353,
- Otero Jr R*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2017 “Nonintrusive Gas-Turbine Engine-Exhaust Characterization Using Acoustic Measurements,” AIAA Journal Propulsion and Power, 34(3), pp. 730-738,
- Otero Jr R*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2017, "Non-Intrusive Acoustic Measurement of Flow Velocity and Temperature in a High Subsonic Mach Number Jet," Measurement Science and Technology, 29(1), 015106,
- Reardon J*, Schetz JA and Lowe KT, 2017 “Computational Modeling of Total-Temperature Probes,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 31(3), pp. 609-620,
- Otero Jr R*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2017 “Extension of sonic anemometry to high subsonic Mach number flows,” Measurement Science and Technology, 28(3), 035306,
- Ecker TE*, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2017 “On the distribution and scaling of convective wavespeeds in the shear layers of heated supersonic jets,” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98, 355-366,
- Cadel D* and Lowe KT 2016 “Investigation of measurement sensitivities in cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86, 44-55,
- Xue S, Guillot S, Ng WF, Fleming J, Lowe KT, Samal N* and Stang UE 2016 “An experimental investigation of the performance impact of swirl on a turbine exhaust diffuser/collector for a series of diffuser strut geometries,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(9), 092603,
- Barboza K, Ma L, Lowe KT, Ekkad S and Ng W 2016 “A diagnostic technique for particle characterization using laser light extinction,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(11), 111601,
- Wohl CJ, Kiefer JM, Petrosky BJ*, Tiemsin PI, Lowe KT, Maisto PM* and Danehy PM 2015 “Synthesis of Fluorophore-Doped Polystyrene Microspheres: Seed Material for Airflow Sensing,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(37), 20714-20725,
- Petrosky BJ*, Lowe KT, Danehy PM, Wohl CJ and Tiemsin PI 2015 “Improvements in laser flare removal for particle image velocimetry using fluorescent dye-doped particles,” Measurement Science and Technology, 26(11), 115303,
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2015 "Eddy Convection in Developing Heated Supersonic Jets," AIAA Journal, 53(11), 3305-3315,
- Cadel DR* and Lowe KT 2015 “Cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry (CC-DGV),” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 71, 51-61,
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT and Ng W F 2015 “A rapid response 64-channel photomultiplier tube camera for high-speed flow velocimetry,” Measurement Science and Technology, 26(2), 027001, 6pp,
- Guillot S, Ng, W, Hamm HD Stang U and Lowe KT 2015 “The experimental studies of improving the aerodynamic performance of a turbine exhaust system,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(1), 012601, 13pp,
- Ecker T,* Brooks DR* , Lowe KT and Ng W 2014 “Development and application of a point Doppler velocimeter featuring two-beam multiplexing for time-resolved measurements of high speed flow,” Experiments in Fluids, 55, 1819-1833,
- Blanchard R, Ng W, Lowe KT and Vandsburger U 2014 “Simulating Bluff Body Flameholders: On the Use of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Wake Dynamics Validation.” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(12), 122603, Paper No. GTP-14-1119, 12pp,
- Lowe KT, Maisto P*, Byun G, Simpson RL, Verkamp M, Danehy PM, Tiemsin PI and Wohl CJ 2013 “Laser velocimetry with fluorescent dye-doped polystyrene microspheres,” Optics Letters, 38(8), 1197-1199,
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2009 “An advanced laser-Doppler velocimeter for full-vector particle position and velocity measurements,” Measurement Science and Technology, 20(4), 045402, 16pp,
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2008 “Turbulence structural measurements using a comprehensive laser-Doppler velocimeter in two- and three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29(3), 820-829,
- Tian Q, Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2007 “A three-velocity-component laser-Doppler velocimeter for measurements inside the linear compressor cascade,” Experiments in Fluids, 43, 487-499,
- Lowe KT, and Simpson, R L 2006 “Measurements of velocity–acceleration statistics in turbulent boundary layers,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 27(4), 558-565,
Papers in conference proceedings:
Note: * Indicates advisee.
- Damani S, Butt H*, Totten E*, Chaware S, Sharma B, Devenport WJ & Lowe T, 2024 “The characteristics of sub-convective wall pressure fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer,” AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, paper AIAA 2024-1904.
- Butt H*, Damani S, Devenport WJ & Lowe T, 2024 “Identification of sources of sub-convective wall pressure fluctuations using space-time pressure-velocity correlations,” 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), paper AIAA 2024-3166.
- Damani S, Butt H*, Devenport WJ & Lowe T, 2024 “Evaluating models for sub-convective pressure fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers,” 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), paper AIAA 2024-3048.
- Butt H*, Chaware SS, Damani S, Szoke M, Srivastava S, Lowe T & Devenport WJ, 2024 “Characterization of the far-wake of a wall-mounted obstacle embedded in a turbulent boundary layer,” 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), paper AIAA 2024-3396.
- Hoge Patil A, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Borgoltz A, Intaratep N, Szoke M, Lowe T, Jordan WA, Gargiulo A & Binu D, 2024 “Computations for a subsonic wind tunnel and discrepancies in as-built vs as-designed CFD simulations,” AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024, AIAA 2024-3992.
- Roy CJ, Lowe T, Devenport WJ, Borgoltz A, Grzyb A*, Borole A*, Shanmugam M* & HogePatil A, 2024 “Summary of data from the VT-NASA blind validation CFD challenge case,” AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024, AIAA 2024-4439.
- Lowe T, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Borgoltz A, Grzyb A*, Shanmugam M*, Borole A* & Gargiulo A*, 2024 “Experimental results for the VT-NASA CFD turbulence model blind validation challenge,” AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024, AIAA 2024-4438.
- Hefner C, Guillot S, Gillespie J*, Hayden A*, Lowe T & Untaroiu, A, 2024 “Flutter parameter study on a complex inlet swirl distortion generator,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, vol. 88025, pp. V10AT21A004. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Weindorf BJ*, Ehlers A, Lowe T, Ng W, Caddick M, Loebig J & Morrison M*, 2024 “Direct and refined characterization of rebound for irregularly shaped, high-speed particles incident on aerospace grade titanium,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, vol. 88063, pp. V12BT31A004. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Gillespie J*, Hayden A*, Lowe T & Untaroiu A, 2024 “Analysis of complex total pressure distortion screens using 1-dimensional loss data,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, vol. 87929, pp. V001T01A029. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Martinez Soto K, Haldeman C, Teolis S*, Gray D & Lowe T, 2024 “Propelling education: Introducing and examining the “English-to-Engineering” multi-year undergraduate research program,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, vol. 87981, pp. V006T07A006. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Hayden AP*, Untaroiu A, Gillespie J*, Hefner C & Lowe T, 2024 “An evaluation of hybrid RANS-LES turbulence modeling on vortex shedding from complex turning vanes,” Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, vol. 88124, pp. V001T02A003. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Antous B*, Byun G, Lowe KT and Smith CF 2023 “Virginia Tech Optical Inlet Sensor for Particle Detection: Rolls Royce M250 Turboshaft Demonstration,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A010.
- Vlach T, Olshefski KT*, Bunin DJ, Ehlers AM, Caddick MJ, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2023 “Analysis of C-Spec Particle Breakage in a Turbine Engine Particle Ingestion Test Cell,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 87103, p. V13CT31A002.
- Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Hefner C, Untaroiu A and Lowe KT 2024 “High Throughflow StreamVane Swirl Distortion Generators: Design and Analysis,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air.
- Powers SW*, Byun G and Lowe KT 2023 “Validation of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Optical Rake Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery Applications and Boundary Layers,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 86977, p. V004T05A012.
- Roy CJ, Lowe T, Devenport WJ, Borgoltz A, Grzyb A*, Hoge-Pail A, Jordan WA, Binu D, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE* 2023 "A Blind Validation CFD Challenge Case for 3D Smooth-Body Turbulent Separation," AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-3986.
- Tang JV*, Lowe T, and Ng W 2023 "The Effect of Thermal Non-Uniformity on Coherent Structures in Supersonic Free Jets," AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-3352.
- Pitt G* and Lowe T 2023 "Ultraviolet (UV) Laser Implementation and Measurement Sensitivities in Filtered Rayleigh Scattering for Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-4381.
- Butt H*, Damani S, Srivastava S, Chaware SS, Szoke M, Devenport WJ, Lowe T, Hales A, Colbrook M, and Ayton LJ 2023 "Pressure Gradient Effects on Boundary Layer Superstructures," AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-3337.
- Warner EP* and Lowe T 2023 "Machine-Learned Background Quantification for Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Measurement Processing," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-1373.
- Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Roy CJ and Lowe T 2023 "Direct Investigation of Nonlinear and Nonlocal Turbulent Constitutive Relations in a Three-Dimensional, Non-Equilibrium Boundary Layer," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-0444.
- MacGregor DA, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Lavoie P, and Lowe T 2023 "Mean and Unsteady Surface-Pressure Measurements on teh BeVERLI Hill," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-0468.
- Hefner C, Hayden AP*, Gillespie J*, Lowe T, and Untaroiu A 2023 "Flutter Testing Methodology for Swirl Distortion Generators," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-2573.
- Hayden AP*, Hefner C, Gillespie J*, Untaroiu A, and Lowe T 2023 "A Computational and Experimental Analysis of Vortex Shedding from Complex Turning Vanes," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-0049.
- Acharya A*, Kurian J*, Lowe T, and Ng W 2023 "Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Downstream of a Vortex Tube Separator Array," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-2354.
- Sundarraj V*, MacGregor DA, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Ozoroski TA, Hallock T, Lowe T, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Borgoltz A, Lavoie P 2023 "Estimation of Skin Friction on the NASA BeVERLI Hill using Oil Film Interferometry," AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, paper AIAA 2023-0988.
- Acharya A*, Lowe T, and Ng W 2022 "Experimental Measurements on a Vortex Tube Separator Array," AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-3260.
- Butt H*, Damani S, Srivastava S*, Banks JT, Vishwanathan V*, Devenport WJ, Lowe T, Glegg SA 2022 "Pressure Gradient Effects on Low-Wavenumber Wall-Pressure Fluctuations in Turbulent Boundary Layers," 28th AIAA CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, paper AIAA 2022-2803.
- Fritsch D, Vishwanathan V*, Lowe T, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Croacker P, Tkachenko O, Pook D, Yasunari N, Knopp T, Stroeer P, Krumbein A, Sandberg R, Lav C, Shubham S, Bensow R 2022 "Experimental and Computational Study of the Turbulence and Pressure Fluctuations Generated by Smooth Wall Boundary Layers in Pressure Gradient," AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-0696.
- Acharya A*, Lowe T, Ng W, Danehy PM, Edquist KT, Burns RA, Pham H, “Seeding Method for Velocimetry and Visualization of Supersonic Retropropulsion Nozzle Plumes,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-0915.
- Duetsch-Patel JE*, MacGregor D, Jenssen YL, Henry P-Y, Muthanna C, Savio L, Lavoie P, Gargiulo A*, Sundarraj V, Ozoroski TA, Lowe T “The BeVERLI Hill three-dimensional separating flow case: cross-facility comparisons of validation experiment results,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-0698.
- Ozoroski TA, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Sundarraj V*, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Lowe T, Borgoltz A, “CFD Analysis of the BeVERLI Hill Turbulence Model Validation Experiments,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper 2022-0050.
- Fritsch D, Vishwanathan V*, Roy CJ, Lowe T, Devenport WJ, Nishi Y, Knopp TA, Ströer P, Krumbein A, Sandberg RD, “Experimental and Computational Study of 2D Smooth Wall Turbulent Boundary Layers in Pressure Gradient,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper 2022-0696.
- Williams OJ, Annamalai H, Ozoroski TA, Roy CJ, Lowe T, “Comparison of hill-type geometries for the validation and advancement of turbulence models,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper 2022-1032.
- Garcia-Mayoral R, Durbin P, McKeon BJ, Piomelli U, Sandberg RD, Bensow R, Bettle M, Knopp TA, Krumbein A, Roy CJ, Lowe T “Modeling of high-Re, incompressible, non-equilibrium, rough-wall boundary layers for naval applications under NATO-AVT349,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-1033.
- Damani S, Butt H*, Banks JT, Srivastava S*, Balantrapu NA, Lowe T, Devenport WJ, “Low-Wavenumber Wall Pressure Measurements in Zero-Pressure Gradient Boundary Layer Flow,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-1795.
- Gargiulo A*, Ozorosk TA, Hallock T, Haghiri A, Sandberg RD, Visonneau M, Deng G, Guilmineau E, Geneau D, Jeans T Lowe T “Computations of the BeVERLI Hill three-dimensional separating flow model validation cases,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-1034.
- Hao Z, Adams M, Garcia-Mayoral R, Vishwanathan V*, Fritsch D, Lowe T, Devenport WJ, Katz J, “Direct simulations and experiments of turbulence over regular roughness from the transitionally rough to the fully rough regime,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, paper AIAA 2022-0697.
- Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT, Ng WF, 2021 "Doppler global velocimetry for 50 kHz, large field of view measurement of high-speed flows," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, paper AIAA 2021-0119.
- Fritsch D, Vishwanathan V*, Lowe KT, Devenport WJ, 2021 "The Space-Time Correlation of Pressure Under High Reynolds Number Smooth Wall Turbulent Boundary Layers in Pressure Gradient Family," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, paper AIAA 2021-1946.
- Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Ozoroski TA, Beardsley C, Vishwanathan V*, Fritsch D, Borgoltz A, Devenport WJ, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, 2021 "Flow Field Features of the BEVERLI Hill Model," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, paper AIAA 2021-1741.
- Acharya A*, Lowe KT, Ng WF, Danehy PM, 2021 "Seeding Mechanism for High-Pressure Nozzles,"AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum, paper AIAA 2021-1068.
- Fritsch D, Vishwanathan V*, Lowe KT, WJ Devenport, 2021 "The Effect of Grazing Flow on Pinhole Condenser Microphones," AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum, AIAA 2021-0130.
- Gillespie J and Lowe KT 2020 "Non-Circular and Non-Cylindrical Streamvanes," ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, paper GT2020-15763, V001T01A031.
- Frohnapfel DJ*, Lowe KT and O’Brien WF 2020 "Development, Analysis, and Validation of a Simultaneous Inlet Total Pressure and Swirl Distortion Generator," ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, paper GT2020-16125, V001T01A038.
- Butcher D, Gillespie J, Walker AD, Lowe KT and Spencer A 2020 "Modification of the Internal Flows of Thermal Propulsion Systems Using Local Aerodynamic Inserts," SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-2039.
- D’Souza KE*, Edelmann E*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT, and Ng WF 2020 “RANS Simulations of Thermally Non-Uniform Supersonic Jets,” AIAA Aviation Virtual Forum, paper AIAA-2020- 2522.
- Powers SW*, Schetz JA, Lowe KT, and Kapania RK 2020 “Analysis of Stresses in Metal Sheathed Thermocouples in High-Temperature, Hypersonic Flows,” AIAA Aviation Virtual Forum, paper AIAA-2020-3277.
- Beardsley CT, Gargiulo A*, Vishwanathan V*, Fritsch D*, Duetsch-Patel J, Borgoltz A, Lowe KT, Roy CJ, Devenport WJ, Szoke M 2020 “Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis for the Assessment of Experimental Design Risks and Flow Sensitivities for a Three-Dimensional Bump Flow,” AIAA Aviation Virtual Forum, paper AIAA-2020-3062.
- Fritsch D, Vishwanathan V*, Duetsch-Patel J*, Gargiulo A*, Lowe KT, Devenport WJ 2020 “The Pressure Signature of High Reynolds Number Smooth Wall Turbulent Boundary Layers in Pressure Gradient Family,” AIAA Aviation Virtual Forum, paper AIAA-2020-3066.
- Boyda MT*, Byun G, Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT, 2020 "Influence of Mie and Geometric Scattering Contributions on Temperature and Density Measurements in Filtered Rayleigh Scattering," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, paper AIAA-2020-1516.
- Daniel K*, Mayo D*, Lowe T, Ng W, 2020 "Wavenumber Frequency Spectra of the Density Near-field of a Non-uniformly Heated Jet," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, paper AIAA-2020-1246.
- Szoke M, Vishwanathan V*, Loeschen T, Gargiulo A*, Fritsch DJ, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Borgoltz A, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ, 2020 "Developing a Numerical Model of the Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel for Uncertainty Quantification Based On Real-World Geometry," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA-2020-0343).
- Lowe KT, Borgoltz A, Devenport WJ, Fritsch DJ, Gargiulo A*, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Roy CJ, Szoke M, and Vishwanathan V*, 2020 "Status of the NASA/Virginia Tech Benchmark Experiments for CFD Validation," AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum paper AIAA-2020-1584.
- Vishwanathan V*, Szoke M, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Totten E, Gargiulo A*, Fritsch DJ, Borgoltz A, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ, 2020 "Aerodynamic Design and Validation of a Contraction Profile for Flow Field Improvement and Uncertainty Quantification in a Subsonic Wind Tunnel," AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum, paper AIAA-2020-2211.
- Duetsch-Patel JE*, Vishwanathan V*, Minionis JB, Totten E, Gargiulo A*, Fritsch DJ, Szoke M, Borgoltz A, Roy CJ, Lowe KT, and Devenport WJ, 2020 "Aerodynamic Design and Assessment of Modular Test Section Walls for CFD Validation in Hybrid Anechoic Wind Tunnels," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum paper AIAA-2020-2214.
- Gargiulo A*, Beardsley C, Vishwanathan V*, Fritsch DJ, Duetsch-Patel JE*, Szoke M, Borgoltz A, Devenport WJ, Roy CJ, and Lowe KT, 2020 "Examination of Flow Sensitivities in Turbulence Model Validation Experiments," AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum, paper AIAA-2020-1583.
- Chauhan M, Massa L, Lowe KT, 2020 "Computational analysis and stability of thermally non-uniform supersonic jets," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, paper AIAA-2020-1725.
- Balantrapu AN, Hickling C, Millican AJ, Vishwanathan V*, Gargiulo A*, Alexander WN, Lowe KT and Devenport WJ, 2019 "TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER IN A STRONG ADVERSE PRESSURE GRADIENT OVER A BODY OF REVOLUTION," 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) Southampton, UK, July 30 to August 2, 2019, paper 76.
- Boyda M*, Byun G, Saltzman AJ* and Lowe KT, 2019 "Geometric Scattering Removal in CC-DGV by Structured Illumination," 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV 2019, Munich, Germany, July 22-24, paper #158,
- Moon CY*, Byun G, Lowe KT, and Smith CF, 2019 "Turbine Engine Ingested Particle Monitoring: A Novel Application of Quantum Cascade IR Laser Extinction," AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Indianapolis, IN, paper AIAA-2019-4339,
- Quickel R*, Powers S*, Schetz JA, and Lowe KT, 2019 "Mount Interference Effects on Total Temperature Probes," ASTFE 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, pp. 921-930,
- Sluss D*, George W*, and Lowe KT, 2019 "On the Application of Particle Image Velocimetry for Turbofan Engine Flow Quantification," ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 2019, paper GT2019-92064.
- Turner E, Bogdan M, O'Connell T, Ng WF, Lowe KT, Crook L, Stevenson R, and Roberts J, 2019 "Measurement drift in 3-Hole yaw Pressure Probes From 5 Micron Sand Fouling at 1050°C," ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 2019, paper GT2019-90880.
- Lowe KT, Byun G, Shea S*, Boyda M*, and Winski CS, 2019 "Three-Velocity-Component Cross-Correlation Doppler Global Velocimetry for the Space Launch System Booster Separation Test in the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel," AIAA Aviation 2019, paper AIAA 2019-3506,
- Danehy PM, Wisser BM, Fahringer TW, Winski CS, Falman BE, Shea S*, Boyda M*, and Lowe KT, 2019 "Laser Light Sheet Flow Visualization of the Space Launch System Booster Separation Test," AIAA Aviation 2019, paper AIAA 2019-3507,
- Winksi CS, Danehy PM, Watkins A, Shea P, Meeroff J, Lowe KT, and Houlden H, 2019 "Space Launch System Booster Separation Supersonic Powered Testing with Surface and Off-body Measurements," AIAA Aviation 2019, paper AIAA 2019-3505,
- Daniel K*, Mayo D*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 "Space-Time Description of the Density Near-Field in a Non-Uniformly Heated Jet," AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2474,
- Saltzman AJ*, Boyda MT* Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 "Filtered Rayleigh Scattering for Velocity and Temperature Measurements of a Heated Supersonic Jet with Thermal Non-Uniformity," AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2677,
- Mayo D*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 "Statistical Flow Structures in Heated Supersonic Jets with Offset Temperature Non-Uniformities," AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, Netherlands, paper AIAA 2019-2708,
- Daniel K*, Mayo D*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 "Experimental Investigation on the Acoustic Field and Convection Velocity of Structures in Heated Jet with Centered Thermal Non-Uniformity," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1300.
- Quinn AM*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019 "Outdoor Acoustic Measurements of the Virginia Tech Heated Supersonic Jet Rig Using Ground Microphones," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1581.
- Saltzman AJ*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2019, "Demonstration of 250 kHz Three-Component Velocity Measurements using TRDGV at 32 Simultaneous Points," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1819.
- Gillespie J, Frohnapfel DJ*, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2019, "Definition of Arbitrary Swirl Distortions by Solutions to the Helmholtz Equation," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-1387.
- Ohanian OJ, Boulanger AJ and Lowe KT, 2019, "Distributed Anemometry via High-Definition Fiber Optic Sensing," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, CA, paper AIAA 2019-2108.
- Boyda MT*, Byun G and Lowe KT, 2018 "Cross-Correlation Filtered Rayleigh Scattering (CCFRS)," 19th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 16-19 July, Lisbon, Portugal, paper # 100.
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2018
"Particle Image Velocimetry For Distorted Turbofan Engine Inlet Applications,"19th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 16-19 July, Lisbon, Portugal, paper # 233.
- Mayo D*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2018 "The Flow and Turbulence Characteristics of a Heated Supersonic Jet with an Offset Total Temperature Non-Uniformity," AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, paper AIAA 2018-3144,
- Daniel K*, Mayo DE*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2018 "Experimental Investigation of the Very Near Pressure Field of a Heated Supersonic Jet with a Total Temperature Non-Uniformity," AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, paper AIAA 2018-3145,
- Frohnapfel D*, Mack E, Untaroiu A, Lowe KT and O’Brien WF, 2018 “Turbofan Nose Cone Interactions with Inlet Swirl,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo, Oslo, Norway, paper GT2018:76616.
- Smith KN, O’Brien WF and Lowe KT, 2018 “Analysis of Duct Vortex Development with Low- and High-Fidelity Models to Support StreamVane Design,” AIAA SciTech 2018, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1558.
- Boyda MT* and Lowe KT, 2018 “Cross-Correlation Doppler Global Velocimetry using Rayleigh and Mie Scattering,” AIAA SciTech 2018, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1766.
- Moon CY*, Zhang D, Lowe KT, and Paterson EG, 2018 “Decomposition of periodic eddies with varying energy in a turbulent flow using a directional averaging technique,” AIAA SciTech 2018, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1765.
- Zhang D, Cadel DR*, Paterson EG and Lowe KT, 2018 "Numerical Study of Transitional Unsteady Boundary Layer on Wind Turbine Airfoil Using Hybrid RANS/LES Turbulence Model," AIAA SciTech 2018, 36th Wind Energy Symposium, paper AIAA 2017-1497.
- Vincent T*, Schetz J, and Lowe KT, 2017 "Analysis of Pin Fins with Radiation," 3th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Portoroz, Slovenia, 17-19 July.
- Vincent T*, Schetz J, and Lowe KT, 2017 “Enhanced Low-Order Model with Radiation for Total Temperature Probe Analysis and Design,” SAE International AeroTech Conference, SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-2047.
- Guimarães T*, Frohnapfel DJ*, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2017 "Development and Turbulence of a Twin-Vortex Type of Distortion for Turbofan Inlet Applications," 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, paper AIAA-2017-4992.
- Frohnapfel DJ*, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2017 "Experimental Quantification of Fan Rotor Effects on Inlet Swirl Using Swirl Distortion Descriptors," ASME Turbo Expo 2017, paper GT2017-64779.
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2017 "Complex Flow Generation and Development in a Full-Scale Turbofan Inlet," ASME Turbo Expo 2017, paper GT2017-64756.
- Gadiraju S, Park S, Gomez D, Ekkad SV, Lowe KT, Moon H-K, Srinivasas R and Kim Y, 2017 "Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to High Speed Imaging to Observe the Combustion Oscillations," ASME Turbo Expo 2017, paper GT2017-64602.
- Shea SP*, Lowe KT and Ng WF, 2017 "Eddy Convection in Cold and Heated Supersonic Jets," AIAA Aviation 2017, Denver, CO, paper AIAA 2017-4044, DOI: 10.2514/6.2017-4044.
- Mayo D*, Daniel K*, Lowe KT and Ng WF, 2017 "Experimental Investigation of a Heated Supersonic Jet with Total Temperature Non-Uniformity," AIAA Aviation 2017, Denver, CO, paper AIAA 2017-3521, DOI: 10.2514/6.2017-3521.
- Stuber M*, Lowe KT and Ng WF, 2017 "Synthesis of Convection Velocity and Turbulence Measurements in Three-Stream Jets for Investigation of Noise Sources"AIAA Aviation 2017, Denver, CO, paper AIAA 2017-4045, DOI: 10.2514/6.2017-4045.
- Zhang D, Cadel DR*, Paterson EG and Lowe KT, 2017 “Numerical and experimental study of the unsteady transitional boundary layer on a wind turbine airfoil” AIAA SciTech 2017,
35th Wind Energy Symposium, paper AIAA 2017-0917.
- Frohnapfel DJ, O'Brien WF and Lowe KT, 2017 “Fan Rotor Flow Measurements in a Turbofan Engine operating with Inlet Swirl Distortion,” AIAA SciTech 2017, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1623.
- Guimarães Bucalo T*, Copenhaver WW, Schneck WC, Lowe KT and O'Brien WF, 2017 “Swirling Flow Evolution Part 1: Design and Stereo PIV Measurements at Select Planes,” AIAA SciTech 2017, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1620.
- Schneck WC, Guimarães Bucalo T*, Frohnapfel DJ, Lowe KT, O'Brien WF and Copenhaver WW, 2017 “Swirling Flow Evolution Part 2: Design and Stereo PIV Measurements at Select Planes,” AIAA SciTech 2017, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1622.
- Otero R*, Lowe KT, Ng WF, Ma L and Kim C-Y* 2016 “Non-intrusive gas turbine engine exhaust characterization using acoustic measurements,” AIAA Aviation 2016, Washington, DC, 13-17 June, paper AIAA 2016-4160.
- Guimarães T* and Lowe KT 2016 “Application of fluorescent particles for particle tracking velocimetry in wind tunnels,” 18th Intl. Symposium Appl. Laser Techniques and Imaging to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 July, paper 4.4.1.
- Ecker TE*, Lowe KT and Ng WF 2016 “Development of Doppler global velocimetry for the measurement of eddy convective velocities,” 18th Intl. Symposium Appl. Laser Techniques and Imaging to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 July, paper 2.2.3.
- Lowe KT and Nelson CC 2016 “Fluctuating pressure gradients in heated supersonic jets,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-0003.
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT, Ng W, Henderson BS, and Lieb SJ 2016 “Velocity statistics and spectra in three-stream jets,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-1633.
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT, and Ng W 2016 “Scale-up of the time-resolved Doppler global velocimetry technique,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-0029.
- Cadel DR*, Shin D*, and Lowe KT 2016 “A hybrid technique for laser flare reduction,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-0788.
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT and O’Brien WF 2016 “An overview of recent results using the StreamVane method for generating tailored swirl distortion in jet engine research,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-0534.
- Frohnapfel DJ, Ferrar AM, Bailey J, O’Brien WF, and Lowe KT 2016 “Measurements of fan response to inlet total pressure and swirl distortions produced by boundary layer ingesting aircraft configurations,” AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 January, paper AIAA-2016-0533.
- Frohnapfel DJ, O’Brien WF, and Lowe KT 2015 “Fan response to inlet swirl distortions produced by boundary layer ingesting aircraft configurations,” 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, paper AIAA-2015-3804.
- Reardon JP*, Schneider A*, Schetz JA and Lowe KT 2015 “Computational modeling of radiation effects on total temperature probes,” AIAA Aviation 2015, 22-26 June.
- Guimarães T*, Lowe KT, Nelson M*, O’Brien WF and Kirk C* 2015 “Stereoscopic PIV measurements in a turbofan engine inlet with tailored swirl distortion,” AIAA Aviation 2015, 22-26 June.
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2015 “On the distribution and scaling of convective wavespeeds in the shear layers of heated, supersonic jets,” Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 9, Melbourne, Australia, 30 June – 3 July.
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2015 “An experimental study of the role of core intermittency in equivalent jet noise sources,” Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 9, Melbourne, Australia, 30 June – 3 July.
- Barboza K, Ma L, Lowe KT, Ekkad S and Ng W 2015 “A diagnostic technique for particle characterization using laser light extinction,” IGTI TurboExpo 2015, 15-19 June, Montreal, Canada, ASME paper GT2015-43347.
- Xue S, Guillot S, Ng WF, Fleming J, Lowe KT, Samal N and Stang U 2015 “An experimental investigation of the performance impact of swirl on a turbine exhaust diffuser/collector for a series of diffuser strut geometries,” IGTI TurboExpo 2015, 15-19 June, Montreal, Canada, ASME paper GT2015-42325.
- Petrosky BJ*, Maisto PM*, Lowe KT, André MA, Bardet PM, Tiemsin PI, Wohl CJ and Danehy PM 2015 "Particle Image Velocimetry Applications Using Fluorescent Dye-doped Particles." AIAA SciTech, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 5-9 January, paper AIAA 2015-1223.
- Cadel DR*, Ecker T* and Lowe KT 2014 “Volumetric vector velocity measurements in a hot supersonic jet,” 17th Intl. Symposium Appl. Laser Techniques to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July, paper 1.13.5.
- Brooks DR* and Lowe KT 2014 “Fluctuating flow acceleration in a heated supersonic jet,” 17th Intl. Symposium Appl. Laser Techniques to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July, paper 2.7.5.
- Ecker T*, Lowe KT, Ng WF and Brooks DR* 2014 “Fourth-order spectral statistics in the developing shear layers of hot supersonic jets,” Propulsion and Energy Forum (50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference), Cleveland, OH, 28-30 July, paper AIAA 2014-3742.
- Cadel D*, Ecker T* and Lowe KT 2014 “Time-Domain Cross-Correlation Scan DGV (CCS-DGV) for Mean-Velocity Boundary Layer Measurements,” AIAA SciTech 2014 (Proceedings of 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, paper AIAA-2014-1104.
- Ecker T*, Brooks D*, Lowe KT and Ng W 2014 “Spectral analysis of over-expanded cold jets via 3-component point Doppler velocimetry,” AIAA SciTech 2014 (Proceedings of 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, paper AIAA-2014-1103.
- Brooks D*, Ecker T*, Lowe KT and Ng W, 2014 “Experimental Reynolds Stress Spectra in Hot Supersonic Round Jets”, AIAA SciTech 2014 (Proceedings of 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, paper AIAA 2014-1227.
- Lowe KT, Byun G and Simpson RL 2014 “The effect of particle lag on supersonic turbulent boundary layer statistics,” AIAA SciTech 2014 (Proceedings of 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, paper AIAA 2014-0233.
- Nelson MA*, Lowe KT, O’Brien WF, Kirk C* and Hoopes K.M. 2014 “Stereoscopic PIV measurements of swirl distortion on a full-scale turbofan engine inlet,” AIAA SciTech 2014 (Proceedings of 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, paper 2014-0533.
- Guillot S, Ng W, Hamm HD, Stang U and Lowe KT 2014 “The experimental studies of improving the aerodynamic performance of a turbine exhaust system,” Proc. of Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 16-20.
- Maisto PMF*, Lowe KT, Byun G, Simpson R, Verkamp M, Danley JE, Koh B, Tiemsin PI, Danehy PM, and Wohl CJ 2013 “Characterization of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres for advanced flow diagnostics,” 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, 24-27 June, paper AIAA 2013-3168, also NASA Report number NF1676L-15707.
- Lowe KT, Byun G, Neuhart DH and Simpson RL 2013 “Auto-calibration of spatially-resolving laser-Doppler velocimeters,” 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, 7-10 January, paper AIAA 2013-0044.
- Blanchard R, Wickersham A, Yeaton I*, Fleischman C*, Ekkad S, Ng W, Vandsburger U, Ma L and Lowe KT 2013 “Test capabilities in the CCAPS/CSDL augmentor development facility,” 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, 7-10 January, paper AIAA 2013-0032.
- Lowe KT, Simpson RL, and Neal TP 2012 “A laser-Doppler velocimeter system for near-field velocity vector measurements in large facilities,”50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, 6-9 January, paper AIAA-2012-693.
- Brooks D* and Lowe KT 2012 “Development and application of a compact spatially resolving vector laser velocimetry for near surface flow,” 16th Intl. Symp. on Appl. Laser Techniques to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 July, paper 2.12.6.
- Yeaton I*, Maisto P* and Lowe KT 2012 “Time resolved filtered Rayleigh scattering for temperature and density measurements,” 28th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference, New Orleans, LA, 25-28 June, paper AIAA-2012-3200.
- Lowe KT, Ng W and Ecker T* 2012 “Early development of time-resolved volumetric Doppler velocimetry for new insights in hot supersonic jet noise,” 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conf., Colorado Springs, CO, 4-6 June, paper AIAA-2012-2273.
- Ecker T, Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2012 “Novel laser Doppler acceleration measurements of particle lag through a shock wave,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, 6-9 January, paper AIAA-2012-694.
- Tian QT, Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2010 “A laser-based optical approach for measuring scour depth around hydraulic structures,” 5th Intl. Conf. on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA, 7-10 November.
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2008 “A sub-miniature laser-Doppler velocimeter for high speed flow measurements,” 14th Intl. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July, Paper 1292.
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2007 “Turbulence structural measurements using a comprehensive laser-Doppler velocimeter in two- and three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers,” 5th Int. Symp. on Turb. Shear Flow Phenom, Garching, Germany, 27-29 August.
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2007 “Doppler chirp signal processing for particle acceleration measurement with laser-Doppler velocimetry,” proc. 14th Coherent Laser Radar Conf., Snowmass, CO, 9-13 July.
- Lowe KT and Simpson RL 2005 “Measurements of velocity-acceleration statistics in turbulent boundary layers,” 4th Intl. Symp. on Turb. Shear Flow Phenom., Williamsburg, VA, 27-29 June.
Book chapters
- Cutler AD and Lowe KT 2023 “Laser Rayleigh Scattering, Filtered Rayleigh Scattering, and Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering,” in Optical Diagnostics for Reacting and Non-Reacting Flows: Theory and Practice, eds. Adam Steinberg and Sukesh Roy, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, pp. 75-136,
- Lowe KT, Bradner M and Emerson LP 2017 “Flow-rate measurement,” AccessScience, McGraw Hill Education, New York,
- Lowe KT, Byun G, Krejmas AP, "In-flight measured propulsion mass flow and thrust on aircraft," US Patent US 12,123,313 B2.
- Kyritisis V, Lowe KT, Bristow M, and Loftus P, “Flow measurement for a gas turbine engine,” US Patent US-11,821,771-B2.
- Kyritisis V, Lowe KT, Bristow M, and Loftus P, “Flow measurement for a gas turbine engine,” US Patent US-11,796,358-B2.
- Kyritisis V, Lowe KT, Bristow M, and Loftus P, “Flow measurement for a gas turbine engine,” US Patent US-11,747,236-B2.
- Frohnapfel DJ*, O'Brien WF, and Lowe KT "Improved generalized flow profile production," US Patent 10,865,818.
- Lowe KT, Ng WF, and Otero Jr R* "System and method of non-intrusive anemometry," US Patent 10,281,307 B2.
- Simpson, R.L. Lowe KT, Tian, Q. Q. “Low drag asymmetric tetrahedral vortex generators,” US Patent 8,434,723.
- Simpson, R.L. Lowe KT, Tian, Q. Q. “Bridge pier and abutment scour preventing apparatus with vortex generators,” US Patent 8,348,553.