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Invited Talks and Lectures (18)

18 . G.D. Seidel "Embedded Mesoscale Sensing of Strain, Damage and Hot Spots via Nanocomposite Bonded Energetics" BEAM Seminar Series, Engineering Mechanics Program, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics Department at Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va 9 - November 2022 (Invited by: Prof. John Domann)
17 . G.D. Seidel “Modeling non-local damage evolution and multifunctional material response in nanocomposite bonded energetic materials” Mini-Symposia 5-4 – Non-local Models for Damage and Fracture (Session 2) at the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference Galway, Ireland 4-8 July 2022 Keynote Talk (Invited by: Prof. Erkan Oterkus)
16 . G.D. Seidel “Embedded Mesoscale Sensing of Strain, Damage and Hot Spots via Nanocomposite Bonded Energetics” Thermal-Mechanical Dynamics: Learning from Emergent Response Session at the Gordon Research Conference on Energetic Materials: The Confluence of Science- and Machine-Based Learning Approaches in Energetic Materials Research University of Southern New Hampshire, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA 26 June-1 July 2022 (Invited by: Dr. Jesus Mares AFRL)
15 . G.D. Seidel "Applications of peridynamics in modeling fracture toughness of nanocomposites and the multifunctional response of nanocomposite-bonded energetic materials" Invited Talk: IMFD Research Seminar Presentation, Institute of Mechanics and Fluiddynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Freiberg, Germany 24 - May 2022 (Invited by: Prof. Dr. Bjoern Kiefer)
14 . G.D. Seidel "Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing: Experimental and Computational Observations" Invited Talk: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany 20 - May 2022 (Invited by: Prof. Dr. Martin Wagner)
13 . G.D. Seidel "Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing: Experimental and Computational Observations" Invited Talk: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Virtual Seminar 20 - April 2021 (Invited by: Prof. Dragan Kozulovic)
12 . G.D. Seidel "Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing: Experimental and Computational Observations" Invited Talk: ASME 2019 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-8 Multifunctional Materials II Louisville, Kentucky, USA 9 - 11 September 2019 (Invited by Symposium I Organizers: Constantin Ciocanel, Bjoern Kiefer, Ji Su)
11 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modelling and Characterization of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Application in Composites" Seminar at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base Dayton, OH 17 - June 2016 (Invited by Dr. Brent Volk)
10 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modelling and Characterization of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Application in Composites" Seminar at The Dow Chemical Company Freeport, TX 19 - November 2015 (Invited by Dr. Piyush Thakre)
9 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Fuzzy Fibers" Seminar in the Engineering Science and Mechanics Department at Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va 22 - January 2014 (Invited by Dr. Romesh Batra)
8 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Fuzzy Fibers" Seminar at the Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) Merida, Mexico 13 - December 2013 (Invited by Dr. Victor Sosa)
7 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of the Multifunctional Properties of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Analytic and Computational Micromechanics" 2013 Structural Engineering and Materials (SEM) Graduate Seminar in the Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va 3 - April 2013 (Invited by Dr. Cris Moen)
6 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of the Multifunctional Properties of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Analytic and Computational Micromechanics" Seminar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Program, The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. 26 - November 2012 (Invited by Dr. Jandro Abot)
5 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of the Multifunctional Properties of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Analytic and Computational Micromechanics" High Performance Materials Institute Seminar, 114 MRB, Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 2 - November 2012 (Invited by Dr. Tao Liu)
4 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of the Multifunctional Properties of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Analytic and Computational Micromechanics" National Institute of Aerospace Research Seminar NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), Building 1202 - Room 222, Hampton, Virginia 18 - June 2012 (Invited by Dr. Douglas Stanley)
3 . G.D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Models for Multifunctional Nanocomposites" SEMINARIO DE LA UNIDAD DE MATERIALES (Materials Department Seminar); CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION CIENTIFICA DE YUCATAN (CICY) (Yucatan Scientific Investigation Center) Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 14-16 May 2012 (Invited by Dr. Francis Aviles)
2 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" COMS 2011: Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference; Nanocomposite Manufacturing Initiatives and Challenges Panel Session Greensboro, North Carolina 28-31 August 2011 (Invited by Mr. Raymond Jones)
1 . G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" SEMINARIO DE LA UNIDAD DE MATERIALES (Materials Department Seminar); CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION CIENTIFICA DE YUCATAN (CICY) (Yucatan Scientific Investigation Center) Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 20-23 June 2011 (Invited by Dr. Francis Aviles)


Professional Conferences (174)

174 . Viswajit Talluru, Shivansh Shah, Gary D. Seidel "Experimental Investigation of Sensing in Polymer Bonded Energetic Materials With MWCNTs Exposed to Elevated Temperature" Proceedings Paper for the 66th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2025 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2025 (AIAA 2024-1741)
173 . Bala P. Shanmugam, Gary D Seidel "Micrometeoroid Impact Detection on Lunar Structures: A Peridynamics Approach" Proceedings Paper for the 66th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2025 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2025 (Presented by Bala Shanmugam) (AIAA 2024-1417)
172 . Joseph E. Cunningham, Brett Segal, Viswajit Talluru, Gary D. Seidel "Structural Health Monitoring in Epoxy/CNT Composites Exposed to High Doses of UV Radiation" Proceedings Paper for the 66th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2025 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2025 (Presented by Joseph Cunningham) (AIAA 2025-0136)
171 . Gary Seidel "Deformation and Damage Sensing in Energetic Material Under Vibration and Impact Loads via Peridynamics" ASME SMASIS 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 2-5: Performance of Magneto- and Electro-Responsive Energetic, Alloy, and Composite Materials Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9-11 September 2024
170 . Rashmi Chawla Khiani, Stefan Povolny, Carolina Tallon and Gary Seidel "Damage Prediction of Highly Porous Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Hypersonic Applications Using Material Point Method" ASME SMASIS 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 1-6: Multifunctional Composites Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9-11 September 2024
169 . Pranay Anekal and Gary Seidel "Computational Investigation of Strain and Damage Sensing of CNTBased Polymer Bonded Energetics Using a Hierarchical Multiscale Approach" ASME SMASIS 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 5-4: Fusion of Computation and Sensing for SHM Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9-11 September 2024 (Presented by Pranay Anekal)
168 . Priya Shanmugam and Gary Seidel "Peridynamic Approach to Hypervelocity Impact Detection on Lunar Structures" ASME SMASIS 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 5-3: SHM for Extreme Load Applications Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9-11 September 2024 (Presented by Priya Shanmugam)
167 . Viswajit Talluru and Gary Seidel "Thermal Strain Sensing in MWCNT's Based Polymer Bonded Energetic Materials With Aluminum Grains as Fuel" ASME SMASIS 2024 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 5-2: Smart Materials and Sensors for SHM Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9-11 September 2024 (Presented by Viswajit Talluru)
166 . Viswajit Talluru, Sean Zylich and Gary Seidel "Experimental Investigation of Sensing in Polymer Bonded Energetics with MWCNTs and Aluminum Powder as Fuel Exposed to Elevated Temperature" SEM Annual Conference Vancouver, Washington, USA 3-6 June 2024 (Presented by Viswajit Talluru)
165 . Gary Seidel "Deformation and Damage Sensing in Energetic Material Under Vibration and Impact Loads via Peridynamics" ECCOMAS Congress 2024: 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Advances and Applications in Meshfree, Particle, and Peridynamic Methods IV Lisbon, Portugal 3-7 June 2024
164 . Shah K and Seidel GD "Reduced-Order Representation and Effective Property Prediction of CNT-polymer nanocomposites using Convolutional Neural Networks and Autoencoders" Proceedings Paper for the 65th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2024 Orlando, Florida, USA 8-12 January 2024 (AIAA 2024-1235)
163 . Neslihan Genckal and Gary Seidel "Microscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites with a Cohesive Interface Model" Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, SES2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 9-11 October 2023 (Presented by Neslihan Genckal)
162 . Pranay Anekal, Viswajit Talluru and Gary Seidel "Modelling of Strain and Damage Sensing in Polymer Bonded Mock Energetic Material Systems using Peridynamics" Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, SES2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 9-11 October 2023 (Presented by Pranay Anekal)
161 . Viswajit Talluru and Gary Seidel "Experimental investigation of strain sensing of PDMS binder with MWCNTs and aluminum fuel under cyclic compressive loads" Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, SES2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 9-11 October 2023 (Presented by Viswajit Talluru)
160 . Rashmi Chawla and Gary Seidel "Material Characterization of Porous Media using a 3-D Multiscale Quasi Static Material Point Method" Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, SES2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 9-11 October 2023 (Presented by Rashmi Chawla)
159 . Kavan Shah and Gary Seidel "Effective property prediction and inverse microstructural design of CNT-polymer nanocomposites using Convolution Neural Networks and Autoencoders" Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, SES2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 9-11 October 2023 (Presentd by Kavan Shah)
158 . Shah K and Seidel GD "Reduced-Order Model for the Effective Electro-Mechanical Properties of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Two-Point Correlation Functions" Proceedings Paper for the 64th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2023 National Harbor, Maryland, USA 23-27 January 2023 (Presented by Kavan Shah) (AIAA 2023-0518)
157 . Talluru V and Seidel GD "Experimental investigation of strain and damage sensing of polymer bonded energetics with MWCNTs and conductive grains under cyclic compressive loads" Proceedings Paper for the 64th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2023 National Harbor, Maryland, USA 23-27 January 2023 (Presented by Viswajit Talluru) (AIAA 2023-0520)
156 . Genckal N, Seidel GD, Cheng S "Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites with a Cohesive Interface Model" Proceedings Paper for the 64th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2023 National Harbor, Maryland, USA 23-27 January 2023 (Presented by Neslihan Genckal) (AIAA 2023-0139)
155 . Shah, Kavan and G.D. Seidel “Effective Property Prediction of Multifunctional CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Reduced-order Two-point Cluster and Blocking Functions” Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, 6.4 Effective Properties of Multifunctional Composite Materials, SES2022 College Station, Texas, USA 16-19 October 2022 (Presented by Kavan Shah)
154 . Cunningham, Joseph and G.D. Seidel “Strength and Damage Sensing in Lunar Regolith-Polymer-CNT Composites” Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, 6.4 Effective Properties of Multifunctional Composite Materials, SES2022 College Station, Texas, USA 16-19 October 2022 (Presented by Joseph Cunningham)
153 . Genckal, Neslihan and G.D. Seidel “Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites with a Local Interface Model” Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, 6.4 Effective Properties of Multifunctional Composite Materials, SES2022 College Station, Texas, USA 16-19 October 2022 (Presented by Neslihan Genckal)
152 . Anekal, Pranay and G.D. Seidel “Effect of heterogeneities on the damage and electrical response of CNT-based polymer bonded energetics” Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, 6.4 Effective Properties of Multifunctional Composite Materials, SES2022 College Station, Texas, USA 16-19 October 2022 (Presented by Pranay Anekal)
151 . G.D. Seidel “Modeling non-local damage evolution and multifunctional material response in nanocomposite bonded energetic materials” Mini-Symposia 5-4 – Non-local Models for Damage and Fracture (Session 2) at the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference Galway, Ireland 4-8 July 2022 Keynote Talk
150 . G.D. Seidel “Embedded Mesoscale Sensing of Strain, Damage and Hot Spots via Nanocomposite Bonded Energetics” Thermal-Mechanical Dynamics: Learning from Emergent Response Session at the Gordon Research Conference on Energetic Materials: The Confluence of Science- and Machine-Based Learning Approaches in Energetic Materials Research University of Southern New Hampshire, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA 26 June-1 July 2022 Invited Talk
149 . Junwen Wang, Gary D. Seidel, Shengfeng Cheng "An Analytic Form of the Integrated Lennard-Jones Potential for Thin Rods" Session F20: Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological and Bio-Inspired Systems I, APS March Meeting 2022 Chicago, Illinois, USA 14-18 March 2022 (Presented by Junwen Wang)
148 . Tabassum Ahmed, Carl Chalk, Gary D. Seidel, Shengfeng Cheng "Computing Young's Modulus and Wall Thickness of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations" Session A56: Carbon Nanotubes and Strain in 2D Materials, APS March Meeting 2022 Chicago, Illinois, USA 14-18 March 2022 (Presented by Shengfeng Cheng)
147 . Genckal N, Seidel GD, Cheng S "Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites with a Local Interface Model" Proceedings Paper for the 63rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2022 San Diego, California, USA 3-7 January 2022 (AIAA 2022-0628)
146 . Shah K, Seidel GD "Microstructure Characterization of Multifunctional CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Two-Point Correlation Functions" Proceedings Paper for the 63rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2022 San Diego, California, USA 3-7 January 2022 (AIAA 2022-2239)
145 . Morris BA, Povolny SJ, Seidel GD, Tallon C "Investigation of Oxidation Effects in Porous Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics" Proceedings Paper for the 63rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2022 San Diego, California, USA 3-7 January 2022 (AIAA 2022-1860)
144 . Shirodkar N, Cheng S, Seidel GD "Exploring Possible Synergy Between Carbon-Based Nanofiller Reinforcements with Regards to Fracture Toughness Enhancement in Dual Filler Epoxy Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 63rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2022 San Diego, California, USA 3-7 January 2022 (AIAA 2022-0376)
143 . Shirodkar N, Talluru V, Seidel GD "Experimental Investigation of Self-Sensing Mock Polymer-Bonded Energetic Nanocomposites Under Cyclic Compressive Loads" Proceedings Paper for the 63rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2022 San Diego, California, USA 3-7 January 2022 (AIAA 2022-1242)
142 . Gary Seidel "Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing" Invited Talk for the Advanced Materials WebConference 2021 Prof. Joseph Koo WebSymposium on Polymer Nanocomposites Virtual Conference 16-18 November 2021
141 . Kavan Shah and Gary Seidel "Reduced-Order Structure-Property Linkage for Multifunctional CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites via Principal Component Regression" ASME 2021 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials Virtual Conference (Recorded Presentation) 14-15 September 2021 (Presented by Kavan Shah) (SMASIS 2021-68389)
140 . Kavan Shah, Krishna Talamadupula, and Gary Seidel "Effects of CNT Dispersion on Effective Electro-Mechanical Properties of CNT/Polymer Nanocomposites via Two-Point Correlation Functions" Oral Presentation for the 62nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2021 Virtual Conference 11-21 January 2021 (Presented by Kavan Shah) (3457018)
139 . Stefan Povolny, Gary Seidel, and Carolina Tallon "Simulated Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Highly Porous Ultra High Temperature Ceramics Informed by Experiments" Oral Presentation for the 62nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2021 Virtual Conference 11-21 January 2021 (3457122)
138 . Nishant Shirodkar, Gary D. Seidel, and Shengfeng Cheng "Characterizing Fracture Toughness of Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Nanoplatelet Doped Epoxy Nanocomposites" Oral Presentation for the 62nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2021 Virtual Conference 11-21 January 2021 (Presented by Nishant Shirodkar) (3456978)
137 . Neslihan Genckal, Stefan Povolny, Gary Seidel, and Shengfeng Cheng "Multiscale Modeling of Damage Response in Composites Reinforced with CNT Fibers" Proceedings Paper for the 62nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2021 Virtual Conference 11-21 January 2021 (Presented by Neslihan Genckal) (AIAA 2021-0275)
136 . Stefan Povolny, Gary D. Seidel, and Carolina Tallon "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Highly Porous Ultra High Temperature Ceramics in Compaction via the Material Point Method" 14th WCCM and ECCOMAS Congress 2020 Virtual Conference (Recorded Presentation) 11-15 January 2021
135 . Neslihan Genckal, Stefan Povolny, and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Damage Response in Composites Reinforced with CNT Fibers" 2020 Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, Session Damage and Failure of Materials, Virtual Conference (Recorded Presentation) 29 September-1 October 2020
134 . Nishant Shirodkar and Gary D. Seidel "Exploration of Structural Health Monitoring of Hot Spot Initiation in CNT/GNP – Nanocomposite Bonded Explosive Materials" ASME 2020 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in SYMP 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials Virtual Conference (Recorded Presentation) 15 September 2020 (Presented by Nishant Shirodkar) (SMASIS-2414)
133 . Krishna Kiran Talamadupula and Gary D. Seidel "Statistical Analysis of Effective Piezoresistivity of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites from Electron Tunneling Effects" Proceedings Paper for the 60th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2020 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2020 2020 (AIAA 2020-2259)
132 . Stefan Povolny, Gary D. Seidel, and Daniel Hammerand "Effective Properties of Granular Composites as a Function of Relative Damage Evolution in Constituent Phases" Proceedings Paper for the 60th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2020 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2020 2020 (Presented by Stefan Povolny) (AIAA 2020-2108)
131 . Neslihan Genckal and Gary D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Damage Response in Nanocomposites Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes" Proceedings Paper for the 60th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2020 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2020 2020 (AIAA 2020-1380)
130 . Nishant Shirodkar and Gary D. Seidel "Strain and Damage Sensing in Polymer-Bonded Energetics through Piezoresistive MWCNT Networks" Proceedings Paper for the 60th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2020 Orlando, Florida, USA 6-10 January 2020 2020 (Presented by Nishant Shirodkar) (AIAA 2020-0152)
129 . Gary D Seidel “Understanding Enhancement of Strength in CNT/GNP-Based Structural Composites” MII Technical Conference & Review, Macromolecules Innovation Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 4-6 November, 2019
128 . Nishant Shirodkar, Gary Seidel "Structural Health Monitoring of Polymer Bonded Energetics via Piezoresistive Response of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Sensing Networks" ASME 2019 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-10 Multifunctional Materials III Louisville, Kentucky, USA 9 - 11 September 2019 (Presented by Nishant Shirodkar) (SMASIS2019-5732)
127 . Gary Seidel "Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing: Experimental and Computational Observations" ASME 2019 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-8 Multifunctional Materials II Louisville, Kentucky, USA 9 - 11 September 2019 Invited Talk (SMASIS2019-5798)
126 . Krishna Talamadupula, Stefan Povolny, Naveen Prakash, Gary Seidel "Influence of Heating Rate in the Detection of Prescribed Hotspots within Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives (NCBXs) using Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Peridynamic Modeling" ASME 2019 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 2-2 Multifield Response Modeling I Louisville, Kentucky, USA 9 - 11 September 2019 (Presented by Krishna Talamadupula) (SMASIS2019-5733)
125 . Stefan Povolny, Krishna Talamadupula, Gary D. Seidel "Strain and damage sensing at the mesoscale in energetic materials in response to low velocity impact and localized thermal loads Proceedings Paper for the SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference, Modeling of Smart Materials 2019 Denver, Colorado, USA 3 - 7 March 2019 (10968-6)
124 . Stefan Povolny, Gary Seidel, Carolina Tallon "Understanding and Predicting the Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of Multiscale Porous UHTCs via Microstructural Properties using the Material Point Method" 43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2019) Daytona Beach, Florida, USA 27 Jan - 1 Feb 2019 (Presented by Stefan Povolny) (ICACC-S12-017-2019)
123 . Krishna Kiran Talamadupula and Gary D. Seidel "Multiscale Investigation of Piezoresistive Response of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives (NCBXs) Derived From Electron Tunneling Effects" Proceedings Paper for the 59th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2019 San Diego, California, USA 7 - 11 January 2019 (AIAA 2019-1198)
122 . Stefan Povolny, Krishna Kiran Talamadupula, Naveen Prakash and Gary D. Seidel "Detecting “Hot-Spot” Damage in Granular Energetics Using a Thermo-electromechanical Peridynamics Model" Proceedings Paper for the 59th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2019 San Diego, California, USA 7 - 11 January 2019 (AIAA 2019-0962)
121 . Nishant Shirodkar, Samantha Rocker, Gary Seidel "Structural Health Monitoring of Solid Rocket Propellants using Piezo-resistive properties of Dispersed Carbon Nano-tube Sensing Networks" ASME 2018 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-7 Piezoelectrics and Piezoresistive Materials San Antonio, Texas, USA 10 - 12 September 2018 (SMASIS2018-8250)
120 . Krishna Talamadupula, Naveen Prakash, Gary Seidel "Electromechanical Peridynamic Investigation of Piezoresistivity and Damage Sensing of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives (NCBXs) Under Impact Loading Conditions" ASME 2018 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-2 Energy Storage and Materials Electronics San Antonio, Texas, USA 10 - 12 September 2018 (SMASIS2018-8238)
119 . Krishna Talamadupula, Gary Seidel "Multiscale Investigation of Piezoresistive Response of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives (NCBXs) Derived From Electron Tunneling Effects" ASME 2018 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-2 Energy Storage and Materials Electronics San Antonio, Texas, USA 10 - 12 September 2018 (SMASIS2018-8239)
118 . Ryan Siefert, Mayuresh Patil, Gary Seidel "Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of Self-Sensing Structures with Designed Boundary Conditions" ASME 2018 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-1 Design Optimization San Antonio, Texas, USA 10 - 12 September 2018 (SMASIS2018-8240)
117 . Krishna Talamadupula, Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistivity and Damage Induced Sensing Of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosive Materials Using Non-Local Damage Formulation" WCCMXIII and PANACM II, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Minisymposium #1213 Computational Constitutive Modeling New York, New York, USA 22 - 27 July 2018 (Presented by Krishna Talamadupula) (#2021303)
116 . Naveen Prakash, Gary Seidel "Peridynamics Applied to Deformation and Damage Sensing in Polymer Bonded Explosive Materials" WCCMXIII and PANACM II, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Minisymposium #304 Peridynamics and Its Applications New York, New York, USA 22 - 27 July 2018 (Presented by Naveen Prakash) (#2018609)
115 . Naveen Prakash, Krishna Talamadupula, Engin Sengezer, Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistivity and Damage Induced Sensing Of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosive Materials Under Dynamic Loading Using Electromechanical Peridynamics" WCCMXIII and PANACM II, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Minisymposium #603 Smart Materials across the Scales: Modeling, Experiment and Simulation New York, New York, USA 22 - 27 July 2018 (#2021312)
114 . Stefan Povolny, Gary Seidel, Carolina Tallon Galdeano "Property Prediction and Damage Modeling in Ultra High Temperature Ceramics Using the Material Point Method" WCCMXIII and PANACM II, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Minisymposium #413 Multiscale/Multiphysics Approach on Complex Materials and Structures New York, New York, USA 22 - 27 July 2018 (Presented by Stefan Povolny) (#2021322)
113 . Nishant Shirodkar, Samantha Rocker, Tanner McCoy, Gary Seidel "Electro-Mechanical Response of Polymer Bonded Energetic Materials with CNT Sensing Networks for Structural Health Monitoring" Proceedings Paper for the 2018 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics Greenville, South Carolina, USA 4 -7 June 2018 (Presented by Nishant Shirodkar) (492-sen)
112 . K. Talamadupula and G. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Effective Piezoresistivity and Implementation of Non-Local Damage Formulation in Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" Proceedings Paper for the 59th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2018 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 8 - 12 January 2018 (AIAA-2018-0903)
111 . Krishna Talamadupula and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Multifunctional Modeling of Piezoresistivity and Damage Mechanisms of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" ASME 2017 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-7 Multifunctional Composites III Snowbird, Utah, USA 18 - 20 September 2017 (SMASIS2017-3880)
110 . Samantha Rocker, Timothy Wade Pearrell, Engin Sengezer, Gary Seidel "Electro-Thermal Response of Polymer-Bonded Explosives for Structural Health Monitoring of Energetic Materials" ASME 2017 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-7 Multifunctional Composites III Snowbird, Utah, USA 18 - 20 September 2017 (Presented by Samantha Rocker) (SMASIS2017-3869)
109 . Adarsh Chaurasia, Andrew Rukangu, Eric Freeman, Michael Philen, and Gary Seidel "Effect of Lipid Type and Surface Charges on the Bending Modulus of Lipid Bilayer Membranes" Mechanobiology of Cells, Vesicles and Biomembranes Minisymposium at the 14 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics Montreal, Quebec, Canada 17-20 July 2017 (Presented by Adarsh Chaurasia)
108 . Adarsh Chaurasia, Stefan Povolny, Gary Seidel "Modeling of Electromechanical Composite Interfaces in the Material Point Method using Cohesive Zones" Meshfree and Particle Methods: New Developments and Applications Minisymposium at the 14 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics Montreal, Quebec, Canada 17-20 July 2017 (Presented by Stefan Povolny)
107 . Naveen Prakash and Gary Seidel "Electromechanical Peridynamic Modeling of Deformation and Damage Sensing in Polymer Bonded Explosive Materials" Peridynamic Modeling and Simulations Minisymposium at the 14 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics Montreal, Quebec, Canada 17-20 July 2017
106 . Engin C.Sengezer, Gary D. Seidel "Through Development of Inherently Sensing Energetics for Real-time in Situ Strain and Damage Detection" Presentation for the SEM IV International Congress Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 12-15 June 2017 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (15-sen)
105 . Engin C. Sengezer, Gary D. Seidel "Application of Piezoresistive Nanocomposite Binders for Real Time Embedded Sensing of Strain and Damage in Energetic Materials" Proceedings Paper for the 58th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2017 Grapevine, Texas, USA 9 - 13 January 2017 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (AIAA 2017-0122)
104 . Krishna Kiran Talamadupula, Adarsh K. Chaurasia, Gary D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Effective Piezoresistivity and Damage Response in Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" Proceedings Paper for the 58th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2017 Grapevine, Texas, USA 9 - 13 January 2017 (Presented by Krishna Talamadupula) (AIAA 2017-0348)
103 . Naveen Prakash, Gary D. Seidel "Coupled Electromechanical Peridynamic Modeling of Strain and Damage Sensing in Granular Energetic Materials" Proceedings Paper for the 58th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2017 Grapevine, Texas, USA 9 - 13 January 2017 (Presented by Naveen Prakash) (AIAA 2017-0126)
102 . Krishna Kiran Talamadupula, Adarsh Chaurasia, and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Investigation of the Piezoresistive Effect of Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives (NCBXs) with Continuum Damage Mechanics" 2016 Society of Engineering Science 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, Session D8-4 on Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA 2-5 October 2016 (Presented by Krishna Talamadupula)
101 . Naveen Prakash and Gary Seidel "Peridynamic Modeling of Strain and Damage Sensing in Nanocomposite Bonded Energetic Materials" 2016 Society of Engineering Science 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, Session D8-1 on Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA 2-5 October 2016 (Presented by Naveen Prakash)
100 . Engin C. Sengezer and Gary D. Seidel "In-situ Structural Health Monitoring in Polymer Bonded Surrogate Energetic Materials" 2016 Society of Engineering Science 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, Session E2-3 on Mechanics of One-Dimensional Nanomaterials: Experiments and Modeling, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA 2-5 October 2016 (Presented by Engin Sengezer)
99 . Adarsh Chaurasia and Gary Don Seidel "Modeling Nanocomposite Piezoresistive Response With Electromechanical Cohesive Zone Material Point Method" ASME 2016 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 2-10 Piezo Resistive Materials and Devices Stowe, Vermont, USA 28 - 30 September 2016 (SMASIS2016-9236)
98 . Naveen Prakash and Gary Seidel "Coupled Electromechanical Peristatic Simulation of Deformation and Damage Sensing in Granular Materials" ASME 2016 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 2-10 Piezo Resistive Materials and Devices Stowe, Vermont, USA 28 - 30 September 2016 (SMASIS2016-9235)
97 . Krishna Talamadupula, Adarsh Chaurasia, and Gary Seidel "2-Scale Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistive and Damage Response in Polymer Nanocomposite Bonded Explosive" ASME 2016 SMASIS Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 2-10 Piezo Resistive Materials and Devices Stowe, Vermont, USA 28 - 30 September 2016 (SMASIS2016-9234)
96 . Engin C. Sengezer and Gary D. Seidel "In-situ Sensing of Deformation and Damage in Nanocomposite Bonded Surrogate Energetic Materials" Proceedings Paper for the SEM XIII International Congress Orlando, Florida, USA 6-9 June 2016 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (449-sen)
95 . Engin Sengezer and Gary Seidel "Real time in-situ sensing of damage evolution in nanocomposite bonded surrogate energetic materials" 2016 SPIE Smart Structures NDE Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 20 - 24 March 2016 (9800-31)
94 . D. Seifert, M. Patil, G. Seidel, and G. Reich "Multi-Functional Topology Optimization of Nanocomposite Beams" Proceedings Paper for the 57th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, California, USA 4-8 January 2016 (Presented by Ryan Seifert) (AIAA-2016-1173)
93 . K. Talamadupula, S. Berry, J. O'Donnell, G. Seidel, B. Goodell "Experimental Characterization and Computational Analysis of Mode I Fracture Toughness of a Nanocellulose Z-Pin Reinforced Carbon Fiber Laminate" Proceedings Paper for the 57th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, California, USA 4-8 January 2016 (Presented by Krishna Talamadupula) (AIAA-2016-0937)
92 . N. Prakash and G. Seidel "A Coupled Electromechanical Peridynamics Framework for Modeling Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composites" Proceedings Paper for the 57th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, California, USA 4-8 January 2016 (AIAA-2016-0936)
91 . E. Sengezer, Stefan Povolny and G. Seidel "Real Time In-Situ Sensing of Damage Evolution in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposite Bonded Surrogate Energetics" Proceedings Paper for the 57th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, California, USA 4-8 January 2016 (AIAA-2016-0412)
90 . A. Chaurasia and G. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Effective Piezoresistivity in Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" Proceedings Paper for the 57th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, California, USA 4-8 January 2016 (AIAA-2016-0155)
89 . Engin Sengezer and Gary Seidel "In Situ Raman and Piezoresistive Characterization of Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 12-43-1 Processing and Performance of Nanocomposites I Houston, Texas, USA 15 - 18 November 2015 (IMECE2015-53475)
88 . Adarsh Chaurasia, Xiang Ren, and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistive Response in CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 12-34-2 Multi-Field Studies in Heterogeneous Materials: Experimental, Theoretical, and Numerical Approaches Houston, Texas, USA 15 - 18 November 2015 (IMECE2015-53534)
87 . Naveen Prakash and Gary Seidel "Mesoscale Peridynamic Modeling of Nanocomposite Bonded Energetics Under Impact Loading" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 1-13-1 Peridynamics Modeling I Houston, Texas, USA 15 - 18 November 2015 (IMECE2015-53521)
86 . Adarsh Chaurasia and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Session 1-10-2 Multiscale Models and Experiments for Composites Houston, Texas, USA 15 - 18 November 2015 (IMECE2015-53540)
85 . Seth Berry, Krishna Talamadupula, Jeremy O'Donnell, Phillip Head, Gary Seidel, Barry Goodell "Experimental and Computational Analysis of Mode I Fracture Toughness of Carbon Fiber Pre-Preg with Nano-Cellulose Z-Pins Using a Double Cantilevered Beam" ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Session 1-8-2 Impact, Damage, and Fracture of Composites II Houston, Texas, USA 15 - 18 November 2015 (IMECE2015-53510)
84 . Adarsh K. Chaurasia, Xiang Ren and Gary D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Based Exploration of Strain and Damage Sensing Capabilities in CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites" 2015 Society of Engineering Science 52nd Annual Technical Meeting, Session W1 on Micromechanics and Multifunctional Nano Composites, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas USA 26 - 28 October 2015
83 . Engin Sengezer, Cayla Schnebele, and Gary Seidel "In Situ and Real Time Monitoring of Strain and Damage Using Piezoresistive Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Digital Image Correlation" ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-7 Advanced Composites and Nanostructures I Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 21 - 23 September 2015 (SMASIS2015-9115)
82 . Krishna Talamadupula, Adarsh Chaurasia, and Gary Seidel "2-Scale Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistive Response in Polymer Nanocomposite Bonded Explosives" Proceedings Paper for the ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 2-8 Smart Materials for Sensing Stretch and Pressure Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 21 - 23 September 2015 (SMASIS2015-9111)
81 . Ryan Seifert, Mayuresh Patil, Gary Seidel, and Gregory Reich "Multi-Functional Topology Optimization of Piezoresistive Nanocomposite Beams" Proceedings Paper for the ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems in Session 1-7 Advanced Composites and Nanostructures I Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 21 - 23 September 2015 (Presented by Ryan Seifert) (SMASIS2015-8958)
80 . Gary Seidel, Adarsh Chaurasia, Xiang Ren "Computational Micromechanics-Based Exploration of Strain and Damage Sensing Capabilities in CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites" Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of Multiphysics for Nano, Bio and Smart Materials Minisymposium at the 13 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics San Diego, California, USA 26 - 30 July 2015 (USNCCM13-1078)
79 . Adarsh Chaurasia and Gary Seidel "Computational Modeling of Piezoresistive Response in CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites Using Material Point Method" Modeling Materials with Coupled Physics (Thermo- Electro- Chemo- and Magneto-Mechanics) Minisymposium at the 13 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics San Diego, California, USA 26 - 30 July 2015 (Presented by Adarsh Chaurasia) (USNCCM13-1079)
78 . Naveen Prakash and Gary Seidel "Peridynamic Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites" Peridynamics and Its Applications Minisymposium at the 13 U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics San Diego, California, USA 26 - 30 July 2015 (Presented by Naveen Prakash) (USNCCM13-1076)
77 . Gary Seidel, Xiang Ren, Engin Sengezer, Adarsh K. Chaurasia, Yumeng Li, Josh Burton "Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Aligned Carbon Nanotube and Fuzzy Fiber Nanocomposites" American Carbon Society Workshop: Carbon Fibers and Their Composites Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA 16-17 April 2015
76 . A. Chaurasia, X. Ren, and G. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Analysis of Damage Induced Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites Under Cyclic Loading Conditions" Proceedings Paper for the 56th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2015 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 5-9 January 2015 (AIAA-2015-1724)
75 . N. Prakash and G. Seidel "A novel two-parameter linear elastic constitutive model for bond based peridynamics" Proceedings Paper for the 56th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2015 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 5-9 January 2015 (Presented by Naveen Prakash) (AIAA-2015-0461)
74 . E. Sengezer and G. Seidel "Experimental Characterization of Damage Evolution in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 56th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2015 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 5-9 January 2015 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (AIAA-2015-0126)
73 . D. Seifert, M. Patil, and G. Seidel "Topology Optimization of Composite Structures for Multifunctional Behavior" Proceedings Paper for the 56th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2015 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 5-9 January 2015 (Presented by Ryan Seifert) (AIAA-2015-0455)
72 . X. Ren and G. Seidel "Concurrent Multiscale Modeling of Coupling between Continuum Damage and Piezoresistivity in CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 56th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech 2015 Kissimmee, Florida, USA 5-9 January 2015 (AIAA-2015-0393)
71 . Gary Seidel, Xiang Ren, Adarsh Chaurasia, Yumeng Li, Josh Burton, "Multiscale Modeling of Deformation and Damage Sensing in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Newport, Rhode Island, USA 8-10 September 2014 (SMASIS2014-7613)
70 . Engin Sengezer and G.D. Seidel "Experimental Characterization of Damage Evolution in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Newport, Rhode Island, USA 8-10 September 2014 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (SMASIS2014-7612)
69 . Adarsh K. Chaurasia and G. D. Seidel "Sensing Interfacial Damage Initiation, Evolution and Accumulation in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites Under Cyclic Loading: A Computational Micromechanics Approach" Proceedings Paper for the 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Newport, Rhode Island, USA 8-10 September 2014 (Presented by Adarsh Chaurasia) (SMASIS2014-7592)
68 . Gustavo Dominguez Rodriguez, Gary Seidel, Jorge Tapia Gonzalez, Francis Aviles Cetina "Influence of Structural Defects on the Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and their Polymer Composites" Advances in Computational Materials Science Symposium at the XXIII International Materials Research Congress Cancun, Mexico 17-21 August 2014 (Presented by Gustavo Dominguez Rodriguez)
67 . Adarsh K. Chaurasia, Xiang Ren, Yumeng Li, Engin C. Sengezer, Josh Burton and G. D. Seidel "Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Aligned Carbon Nanotube and Fuzzy Fiber Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 55th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference at AIAA SciTech National Harbor, Maryland, USA 13-17 January 2014 (AIAA 2014-1168)
66 . Gary D. Seidel, Yumeng Li, Xiang Ren, Adarsh Chaurasia, Engin Sengezer, Josh Burton "Multiscale Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Macroscale Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites and Fuzzy Fibers", Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, 28-30 October, 2013
65 . Xiang Ren, Josh Burton, and Gary Seidel "Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of the Deformation and Damage Sensing of Fuzzy Fiber Fragmentation Specimens", Presented at The 24th International Conference on Adaptive Structures Technologies (ICAST2013), Oranjestad, Aruba 7-9 October, 2013
64 . Adarsh K. Chaurasia, Xiang Ren, and Gary D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Model to Study the Effective Macroscale Piezoresitivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites for Strain and Damage Sensing", Session: 2-3 Ferroelectrics: Applications & Devices of the ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 16-18 September, 2013
63 . J. L. Abot, K. Wynter, K. Belay, M.-D. Lamos, G. Seidel and B. Vondrasek "Mode II Delamination Detection in Laminated Composite Materials Using Carbon Nanotube Yarn: State-of-the-Art and Challenges" Proceedings Paper for the ASC 2013 28th Technical Conference State College, Pennsylvania, USA 9-11 September 2013 (Presented by Jandro Abot)
62 . Gustavo Dominguez Rodriguez, Gary Seidel, Jorge Tapia Gonzalez, Francis Aviles Cetina "A hierarchical multiscale modeling approach towards the estimation of the elastic properties of CNT-polymer nanocomposites with damaged CNTs", Session on Advances in Nanocomposites for Thermal and Structural Applications at the 50th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science and ASME-AMD Summer Meeting Joint Conference, Brown University School of Engineering, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 28-31 July, 2013 (Presented by Gustavo Dominguez Rodriguez)
61 . Adarsh Chaurasia and G. D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Analysis of Electron Hopping Induced Piezoresistive Response in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Boston, Massachusetts, USA 8-11 April 2013 (Presented by Adarsh Chaurasia) (AIAA 2013-1731)
60 . Engin Sengezer and G.D. Seidel "Phenomenological Characterization of the Fabrication of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites via Dielectrophoresis Under AC Electric Field" Proceedings Paper for the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Boston, Massachusetts, USA 8-11 April 2013 (AIAA 2013-1582)
59 . Sebastian Fave and Gary D. Seidel "Investigation of a Bonded Composite Reinforcement Applied to Ships of the Australian Navy" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Sebastian Fave) (IMECE2012-93348)
58 . Engin Sengezer, Gary D. Seidel, Mayuresh Patil, and Robert Canfield "Phenomenological Models for Processing of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Under AC Electric Fields" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Engin Sengezer) (IMECE2012-89494)
57 . Yumeng Li and Gary D. Seidel "Computational Study of effects of Nanoscale Interfaces in functionalized CNTs-Polyethylene Nanocomposite" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Yumeng Li) (IMECE2012-89083)
56 . Skylar Stephens and Gary D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Clustering, Interphase Layers and Interfaces on the Effective Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Skylar Stephens) (IMECE2012-89080)
55 . Andres I. Oliva-Aviles, Francis Aviles, Gary D. Seidel, Victor Sosa, and Fidel Gamboa "Controlling the MWCNT Network Formation in Polymers and Viscous Media via Electric Fields" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Andres I. Oliva-Aviles) (IMECE2012-89021)
54 . Adarsh Chaurasia, Gary D. Seidel, and Francis Aviles "Multiscale Modeling of Network Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Adarsh Chaurasia) (IMECE2012-88727)
53 . Xiang Ren and Gary D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of the Coupling of Continuum Damage and Piezoresistivity in Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas 9-15 November 2012 (Presented by Xiang Ren) (IMECE2012-88681)
52 . Xiang Ren and Gary D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Modeling of Piezoresistivity of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the ECCM15 - 15TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS Venice, Italy 24-28 June, 2012 (ECCM15-914)
51 . Mohammad Bonakdar, G.D. Seidel, and D.J. Inman "Effect of nanoscale fillers on the viscoelasticity of polymer nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 23 - 26 April, 2012 (AIAA 2012-1825)
50 . Yumeng Li and G.D. Seidel "Analysis of the Interface in CNT-Polyethylene Nanocomposites using a Multiscale Modeling Method" Proceedings Paper for the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 23 - 26 April, 2012 (AIAA 2012-1819)
49 . Xiang Ren and G.D. Seidel "Computational Micromechanics Modeling of Axial Piezoresistivity of Polymer Nanocomposites with Well Dispersed and Aligned Carbon Nanotubes" Proceedings Paper for the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 23 - 26 April, 2012 (AIAA 2012-1496)
48 . Xiang Ren and G.D. Seidel "Computational Modeling of Piezoresistivity of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites" Proceedings Paper for the SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference San Diego, California, USA 11 - 15 March, 2012 [8342-49]
47 . Mohammad Bonakdar, G.D. Seidel, and D. Inman "Effect of Interphase on Damping Properties of Viscoelastic Nanocomposites " ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Denver, Colorado 11-17 November 2011 (IMECE2011-64591)
46 . Xiang Ren and G.D. Seidel "Multiscale Modeling of Damage in the Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Interphase of Fuzzy Fibers Subjected to Quasi-static Mechanical Loading" ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Denver, Colorado 11-17 November 2011 (IMECE2011-64567)
45 . Xiang Ren, Skylar Stephens, G.D. Seidel and Francis Aviles "Nanocomposites as Structural Health Monitors: Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Denver, Colorado 11-17 November 2011 (Presented by Xiang Ren) (IMECE2011-64531)
44 . Yumeng Li and G.D. Seidel "Computational Study of Nanoscale Interfaces in CNTs-Polyethylene Nanocomposite" ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Denver, Colorado 11-17 November 2011 (Presented by Yumeng Li) (IMECE2011-64523)
43 . Jose de Jesus Ku-Herrera, Francis Aviles, and G.D. Seidel "Self-sensing of Strain and Damage of a Multiwalled CNT-Polymer Composite" ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Denver, Colorado 11-17 November 2011 (Presented by Jose de Jesus Ku-Herrera) (IMECE2011-62338)
42 . Mohammad Bonakdar, G.D. Seidel, and D. Inman "Effect of Interphase on Damping Properties of Viscoelastic Nanocomposites" ASME 2011 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference Chicago, Illinois, 30 May - 1 June 2011 (Presented by Mohammad Bonakdar) (McMat2011-4537)
41 . Xiang Ren, Skylar Stephens and G.D. Seidel "Nanocomposites as Structural Health Monitors: Multiscale Modeling of Piezoresistivity in Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposites" ASME 2011 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference Chicago, Illinois, 30 May - 1 June 2011 (McMat2011-4532)
40 . Yumeng Li and G.D. Seidel "Computational Study of Nanoscale Interfaces in CNTs-Polyethylene Nanocomposite" ASME 2011 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference Chicago, Illinois, 30 May - 1 June 2011 (Presented by Yumeng Li) (McMat2011-4531)
39 . Yumeng Li and G.D. Seidel "Analysis of the Interface in CNT-Polyethylene Nanocomposites using a Multiscale Modeling Method" 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Denver, Colorado, USA 4 - 7 April, 2011 (AIAA 2011-2058)
38 . Xiang Ren and G.D. Seidel "Analytic and computational multi-scale micromechanics models for mechanical and electrical properties of fuzzy fiber composites" 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Denver, Colorado, USA 4 - 7 April, 2011 (Presented by Xiang Ren) (AIAA 2011-1923)
37 . Mohammad Bonakdar, G.D. Seidel, and D.J. Inman "Damping characterization of viscoelastic composites using micromechanical approach" 2011 SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference San Diego, California, USA 6-10 March, 2011 (Presented by Mohammad Bonakdar) [7978-48]
36 . Yumeng Li and G.D. Seidel, "Analysis of Interface and Interphase Regions in Multiscale Composites: Direct Simulation and Inverse Methods", "ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids, Topic 12-17: Multifunctional and Nanostructured Materials: Modeling and Characterization, Session 12-17-4: Multifunctional and Nanostructured Materials IV " Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 12 -18 November 2010
35 . Xiang Ren and G.D. Seidel, "Multiscale Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Fuzzy Fibers", ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids, Topic 12-17: Multifunctional and Nanostructured Materials: Modeling and Characterization, Session 12-17-3: Multifunctional and Nanostructured Materials III Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 12 -18 November 2010
34 . G.D. Seidel and Skylar N. Stephens, "Analytical and Computational Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Interphase Regions and Orientation on the Effective Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", "ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Track 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology, Topic 1-3: Lightweight Sandwich Structures Session 1-3-2: Lightweight Sandwich Structures II" Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 12 -18 November 2010
33 . G.D. Seidel, "Multiscale Modeling in Polymer Nanocomposites", Composites & Infrastructure Workshop Varese, Italy 29 May - 1 June 2010
32 . G.D. Seidel and S.N. Stephens "Analytical and Computational Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Interphase Regions and Orientation on the Effective Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference Orlando, Florida, 12-15 April 2010 (Presented by S.N. Stephens) (AIAA 2010-2809)
31 . A.-S. Puydupin-Jamin and G.D. Seidel, "Computational Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Bundle Packing and Interphase Addition on the Effective Electrical and Thermal Transverse Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference Orlando, Florida, 12-15 April 2010 (Presented by A.-S. Puydupin-Jamin) (AIAA 2010-2523)
30 . G.D. Seidel and S. Puydupin-Jamin "Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Clustering and Functionalization on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", Session 12-35-2 Mechanics of Multifunctional and Nanostructured Materials II of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, Florida, 13-19 November 2009
29 . G.D. Seidel "Micromechanics Modeling of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Nanocomposites and Unidirectional Hybrid Laminates: Summary of Elastic, Thermal and Electrical Properties with Emphasis on Coefficient of Thermal Expansion", Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization of Nano-Structured Polymer Composites Session of the 46th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science at Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials Blacksburg, Virginia, 24-27 June 2009
28 . G.D. Seidel, K.L. Boehringer, and D.C. Lagoudas "Computational Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Interphase Regions and Bundle Packing on the Effective Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", Session 60 SDM-37 Nanocomposite III - Tribute to Tom Gates of the 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference Palm Springs, California, 4-7 May 2009 (AIAA 2009-2498)
27 . G.D. Seidel, K.L. Boehringer, and D.C. Lagoudas "Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Clustering on the Effective Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", Session 13-11-2 Nanocomposite Properties of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts 31 October - 6 November 2008
26 . G.D. Seidel, S. Banda, Z. Ounaies, and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanics Analysis of the Effects of Carbon Nanotube Chain Formation on the Effective Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites", Session 13-13-2 Nanocomposites 2 of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts 31 October - 6 November 2008
25 . A. Awasthi, D.C. Lagoudas and G.D. Seidel, "Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites with Interfacial Effects ", Session 12-24-1 Micromechanics-multiscale Study of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts 31 October - 6 November 2008
24 . G.D. Seidel, K.L. Boehringer, and D.C. Lagoudas "Analysis of Clustering and Interphase Region Effects on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites via Computational Micromechanics", SYMP 1 Multifunctional Materials, 1-6 Polymer Nanocomposites Session of the ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Ellicott City, Maryland, 28-30 October, 2008 (SMASIS2008-670)
23 . G.D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, S.J.V. Frankland, T.C. Clancy, J.C. Riddick, P.R. Thakre, and J. Zhu "Micromechanics Modeling of the Elastic and Thermal Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Nanocomposites and Unidirectional Hybrid Laminates", Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of Nano-structured Polymer Composites Session of the 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 12-15 October, 2008
22 . D.C. Lagoudas and G.D. Seidel, "Modeling and Characterization of Effective Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Multifunctional Nanocomposites", 1st International Conference from Nanoparticles & Nanomaterials to Nanodevices & Nanosystems (IC4N-2008), Porto Carras Grand Resort, Halkidiki, Greece 16-18 June, 2008 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas)
21 . G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanics Modeling of Polymer Nanocomposites for use as Multifunctional Materials", 49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois, 7-10 April, 2008 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas) (AIAA 2008-1947)
20 . G.D. Seidel, Y. Bisrat, and D.C. Lagoudas, "Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites: Modeling and Characterization", Advanced Composites and Nanostructured Materials Session 1-3-4 of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, 11-15 November, 2007 (IMECE2007-42339)
19 . G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanics Modeling of Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites", Active Nanocomposites Session of the 44th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, College Station, Texas, 22-24 October, 2007
18 . G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanics Modeling of Thermal Conductivities of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Nanocomposites: Influence of Thermal Resistance and Functionalizations", Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization of Nanostructured Polymer Composites Session of the 44th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, College Station, Texas, 22-24 October, 2007
17 . G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanical Analysis of Interphase Effects on the Multi-functional Nature of Carbon Nanotube Composites", Keynote Address for Session 19-3-1 Active Nanocomposites I: Modeling of Carbon-Nanotube Based Composites at McMat 2007: ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, 3-7 June, 2007 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas) (MCMAT2007-30503)
16 . D.C. Lagoudas and G.D. Seidel, "Micromechanics Modeling of the Multi-Functional Nature of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Nanocomposites: Effective Elastic Thermal and Electrical Properties", COMP07: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Composites, Corfu, Greece, 16-18 May, 2007 (COMP2007-021)
15 . G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanics Aspects of Multi-scale Modeling of Multi-functional Nanocomposites: Effective Thermal Conductivity", 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-26 April, 2007 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas) (AIAA 2007-2172)
14 . D.C. Lagoudas, G.D. Seidel, and P.R. Thakre, "Micromechanical Characterization and Analysis of the Elastic Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Composites", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE06), Chicago, Illinois, 5-10 November, 2006 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas)
13 . G.D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, "Micromechanical Analysis of Interphase and Interface Effects on Load Transfer in Carbon Nanotube Composites", The 43rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, State College, Pennsylvania, 13-16 August, 2006
12 . G.D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, S.J.V. Frankland, and T.S. Gates, "Micromechanics modeling of functionally graded interphase regions in carbon nanotube-polymer composites", 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, 1-4 May, 2006 (AIAA 2006-1678)
11 . D.C. Lagoudas and G.D. Seidel, "Modeling the Effects of Clustering and Gradient Interphase Regions on the Effective Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites", The 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, Florida, 5-11 November, 2005
10 . G. D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, S.J.V. Frankland, and T.S. Gates, "Modeling functionally graded interphase regions in carbon nanotube reinforced composites", 20th American Society for Composites Technical Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 7-9 September, 2005
9 . G.D. Seidel , D.C. Lagoudas and D.C. Hammerand, "Micromechanical analysis of clustering and load transfer in carbon nanotube composites", The 2005 Joint ASCE/ASME/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1-3 June, 2005
8 . D.C. Hammerand, G.D. Seidel and D.C. Lagoudas, "Finite element micromechanical analysis of clustering and load transfer in carbon nanotube composites", National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas, June, 2005 (Presented by D.C. Hammerand)
7 . D.C. Lagoudas, G.D. Seidel, and D.C. Hammerand, "Micromechanical Analysis of Clustering and Load Transfer in Carbon Nanotube Composites", 41st Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Lincoln, Nebraska, 10-13 October, 2004 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas)
6 . G.D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, and D.C. Hammerand, "Micromechanical Analysis of Clustering and Load Transfer in Carbon Nanotube Composites", Graduate Student Session of the 41st Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Lincoln, Nebraska, 10-13 October, 2004
5 . D. Lagoudas and G. Seidel, "Effective Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites" 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, 19-22 April, 2004 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas)
4 . D.C. Lagoudas and G. D. Seidel, "A Micromechanical Study on the Clustering Effect of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites", 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Washington, D.C., 16-22 November, 2003
3 . G.D. Seidel, D.H. Allen, and S.E. Groves, "A Model for Predicting the Evolution of Damage in Viscoelastic Particle Reinforced Composites", G.D. Seidel, D.H. Allen, and S.E. Groves. ASME Winter Conference, Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-22, 2003. (Presented by D.H. Allen) 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Washington, D.C., 16-22 November, 2003 (Presented by D.H. Allen)
2 . V. Hadjiev, D. Lagoudas, D. Davis, G. Seidel, "Raman Spectroscopy approach to mechanics of single wall carbon nanotubes composites", ASME Summer Meetings, Scottsdale, Arizona, 17-20 June, 2003 (Presented by V. Hadjiev)
1 . E.-S. Oh, A.P. Awasthi, G.D. Seidel, D.C. Lagoudas, and J.C. Slattery, "Elastic Properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes: Transitioning Atomic to Continuum Scales" ICCES '03, Corfu, Greece, 24-29 July, 2003 (Presented by D.C. Lagoudas)