Emissions and Pollution (Noise) Control

Full-scale laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) instrumentation adaptation:
The ruggedized packaging shall be designed, built, and tested in a laboratory environment. The PI shall specify, purchase, and integrate packaging hardware that includes acoustic/vibration damping and thermal mitigation for optimal instrumentation operation.
Measurement application in the research engine plume:
The two-component, ruggedized LDV shall be applied in the research engine to obtain unsteady velocity measurements. The measurements in the research engine shall include mapping shear layer mean and turbulent velocities in the axial and radial velocity components (including the Reynolds shear stress). An assessment shall be made of the natural seeding available (e.g., soot in the core stream and ambient dust ingestion in the fan stream), and active seeding techniques shall be explored. Axial velocity measurements shall be compared to total pressure probe measurements at selected points in the plume. Finally, the scaling of uncertainties from the laboratory scale to the engine demonstration scale shall be performed, forging ground for estimating the expected uncertainties when applying the techniques to the TACAIR engine.
Cooperative planning for in situ TACAIR applications:
At the discretion of the Government, the details of the instrumentation package may be tailored with the intent to apply the instruments with minimal modification in the NAVAIR measurements. A detailed plan for achieving the desired measurements at NAVAIR may be developed, and proper logistical and financial considerations may be addressed in order to meet the goals of providing unique measurements of direct application to TACAIR noise modeling and reduction.